Having a routine is a good idea for the majority of people out there. Without a routine, many people can feel lost, and get into bad habits like smoking and eating junk. A routine is individual to each person, but there are a few things you should definitely include in your routine. Here are 5 things we should all do every day:
Don’t Hate Meditate
Meditation is for everybody, not just hippies and monks. There are too many meditation benefits to ignore! When you meditate, you should feel immediately happier and relaxed afterwards. In the long run, you should feel happier, more creative, less stressed, and more. You could even find yourself smarter and retaining information better! Using an app can make it easier to get into meditation, even if it’s just for 5-10 minutes a day at first. The shortest practice is fine as long as you focus on getting into a good habit with it.
Workout tank top
Doing an exercise you enjoy every day is a must. It’s going to keep you healthy and active, and make you feel good. You could go for a quick walk, do some yoga, or even do a hardcore HIIT session. Whatever you feel like! Remember, not every day should be hard core. You need rest days too, or at least a day where all you do is walk. If you want to live a long, healthy life and stay mobile into old age, then exercising is a must.
How to Be a Bawse: A Guide to Conquering Life (Hardcover) (Lilly Singh)
Reading can do so many things for the mind. Not only can it be a relaxing, even an exciting activity, it gives you the opportunity to learn. You can read self help books, or even educate yourself with what’s trending today. Make sure you set some time aside to read each day and you’ll strengthen your mind, and learn so much. When you exercise, you could even listen to audiobooks. Killing two birds with one stone like this will mean you end up physically and mentally fit!
The Meat Free Monday Cook Book
Eat The Rainbow
You can’t eat a real rainbow, but you should aim to eat a good portion of fruit and vegetables each day. Eating plenty of colors ensures your diet is healthy. Try to get lots of veg in where possible, and eat a few pieces of fruit per day as snacks. They have so many benefits for health, try to eat them as often as you can. Ensure you include them in well balanced meals with healthy fats and proteins for the most impact!
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Get At Least 7 Hours Quality Sleep
Getting enough sleep is linked to things like more creativity, happiness, and less stress. If you don’t get enough sleep, you’ll feel awful, may put on weight, and just won’t be able to function properly. Getting at least 7 hours of quality sleep every night will help you to feel much better during your day, and is associated with living a longer life too!
Make sure you include these 5 things into your everyday routine and you might just change your life for the better!
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