Really it’s more of a tale of learning and too much excitement.
So I’m like really into creating and ideas and big plans and not so great at actual execution. When I do execute, I sometimes jump in too fast and don’t do it well because I’m so excited get it done. That’s what happened last week when I launched my shop in under a week.
The shop is still here. I just decided that Etsy was a much better format and when I figured out I could still integrate it into my blog… well I shut down what I had originally built, redid some of my prints, added more, and there ya go! I’m much happier with how everything looks now, plus I get to really be a part of the Etsy community that I love so much! Win win.
So why did I even announce this? I probably could have just made the change and nobody would be the wiser. It was just a minor setback for me with results that I think will be beneficial. But As a budding baby entrepreneur, I want this experience to grow with me and my readers. I want you to see my ups and downs and hopefully inspire someone else to take a leap at some point to do what they love. I’m even thinking about introducing a new print every week, in the form of a short Sunday post. What do you think?
As a reminder, for the month of October, the 20% of sales from the Marie print will be going to Girls On The Rise in honor of National Bullying Prevention Month.
Check out what I'm loving right now on Amazon!