We all make mistakes, don’t we? Even those of us who like to think we are perfect are, in reality, just better at hiding those mistakes. From the perfect house-spouse who hides a burn on their tablecloth beneath the salt to the singer who ad-libs when they forget a lyric. There’s no shame in it as long as you learn from it.
It’s worth remembering that when you have a beauty disaster. As you sit in front of your mirror, horrified at what you’ve just done, remember. Although you may need to spend the next few weeks wearing an increasingly elaborate range of hats, you’ll get through this. It may not feel like it, but you will. And you won’t make that mistake again.
Our mistakes usually come when we try to do something we have little experience in doing. Dyeing your hair a new color can result in it going an even newer one. Trying a new style of eye makeup can end up with you blind in one eye and looking like you applied it while blind in both. Keep these little errors in mind when you decide to strike out and be bold. They could save your sanity.
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Straightening Your Hair When It’s Not Fully Dry
Some people make the mistake of thinking “well, I’m applying heat, and heat dries hair. So I’m in a hurry, can I not just straighten it dry?”. The answer is no. If you hear a sizzle, stop. What you are doing is boiling the product – whether it’s chemical or just water – into the hair. It’s not a good idea.
If you’re not used to straighteners, why not try here for information on the best ones for beginners? You’ll pick up other tips on how best to use them.
Overdoing The Foundation Before Applying Makeup
Not just foundation as in the specific product, by the way. A lot of makeup tutorials show people laying down a layer of blush before doing the rest. It’s called “warming up,” and it works well in small doses. It is, though, all too easy to do more of it than is needed. Once the whole face is done, it looks like you’ve just run a marathon.
People will be asking you all day long if you’re embarrassed, and by the end you will be.
A Smoky Eye Is Seductive, But Smoke Can Be Harmful
If a room fills up with smoke, you can inhale so much it makes you very sick. If your smoky eye make-up has too much smoke, it has a similar effect. By going for too heavy a color to start with, you can end up looking like you’re going to a fancy dress party as a panda. Start small, with lighter shades. Then, if you need to build on it, you can.
Makeup tutorials are extremely useful. They are highly lucrative for those who do them well. But there are so many of them, and some tutors can make it look simpler than it is. It’s better to do too little of something than too much. At least then, you can layer.
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