Congratulations on having a steady job because it isn’t something to take for granted. With unemployment rates rising, getting up for work in a morning is an achievement. No one wants to stand still, however, and after a while your focus will shift. Within a few years, the novelty of having a job will wear thin as you look to progress further.
Sadly, working your way up the corporate ladder is one of the hardest jobs in the industry. The grass is greener on the other side, yet you have to jump an exclusive fence with high-tech security. Business owners don’t promote people out of the blue, so you have to work hard and wait your turn.
Still, there are hacks which can help accelerate the process. The following may not get you to the top of the tree, but they’ll get you halfway. These are the tricks of the trade regarding the glass ceiling at work.
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Value Quality
The more posts you read on the subject, the more you will think it is down to office politics and networking. Both are vital, but they are not the be all and end all. Whether or not you feel the love in the workplace doesn’t matter unless your work stands out. Businesses don’t promote the people who are average because it doesn’t improve their bottom line. Therefore, everything you submit must set a high bar. There are times when the bosses won’t appear to notice, and you’ll want to let your standards slip. If you value your career, please don’t. A long and detailed history of excellence is the first step on the initial rung on the ladder.
The HBR’s For Those Who Want to Lead, Read has some shocking statistics about the state of reading in America. According to an NDA study, “reading has declined in every group of Americans.” Maybe this doesn’t seem like it affects your career goals, but that is a short-sighted attitude. Regarding standing out from the crowd, there is no better way than to read. Firstly, studying for a postgraduate degree looks excellent for a variety of reasons, but because you are qualified. Of course, studying and working at the same time is a stressful proposition. However, the Tips for Going to School While Working as a Full-Time RN post has solutions. It might center on the medical industry, but the tips are transferable. Secondly, reading increases your knowledge base and ability to do your job. Employees who are work smart are more likely to maintain a high standard and get noticed.
Being able to forge your own career path is an appealing option, but it’s a myth. Everyone from Bill Gates to Richard Branson has had a helping hand along the way, and you are no different. The trick is not to see it as a handout but a necessary step in the right direction. People need favors, and you are willing to provide them in return for your own. Therefore, networking is a crucial part of becoming a valuable company asset. Without the contacts to grease, it’s much harder to get results when the chips are down. Nowadays, making “friends” is easier thanks to the digital element. If you have time, 29 LinkedIn Tips for Professional Networking, Business & Marketing is worth a read. For the people who like to do it the old way, corporate events are a must. And, don’t forget to hand out a business card when the situation is right.
Mix Confidence And Modesty
Your colleagues have a big say in your promotion chances. It isn’t like they get a vote, but companies do love to research potential candidates. Any kickback won’t reflect well on your application. However, a handful of positive recommendations may be the difference between success and failure. How do you ensure the team is on your side? Start by being there when they need help. Anyone who helps a colleague in a time of need will create a healthy bond. From a general standpoint, make sure you are professional at all times. Cocky and arrogant employees are asking for trouble because people hate overconfidence. Be secure in your abilities, yet also be humble enough to know you’re a cog in a wheel.
Dress To Impress
The dress for success attitude might appear dead and gone, but it’s still alive and kicking. Modern companies, just like old businesses, make judgments based on looks. Everyone can see the cheerleaders at football games on a Sunday afternoon. Well, a cheerleader you may not be, yet you still get judged based on your appearance. To bosses around the world, a person’s appearance is a sign of their potential for the job. Anyone who is messy is unorganized and unprepared for the role according to employers. Workers have challenged this outdated theory for years with no success. So, whether you like it or not, it’s here to stay and needs factoring into your work life.
Be A Free Agent
Companies like to preach about the values of loyalty yet don’t practice what they preach. They expect you to stick around for the long haul without recompensing the effort. Unfortunately, employees don’t see this and continue to stay loyal until the end. The reason this is the wrong choice is two-fold. Firstly, there are better career prospects outside of the firm. Secondly, it lowers the glass ceiling. At every business, only so many opportunities for promotion exist. If there are hundreds of candidates for one position, the chances of succeeding are low. By considering yourself a free agent, there is no reason to dance to the company’s tune. As long as there is an alternative offer on the table, you are free to leave and explore different positions. Just don’t sign a clause which forces you to stay or else the firm will have the leverage.
Essentially, a promotion candidate has to play the game if they want to reach the top of the mountain.
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