Funny story- this post was actually just going to be an Instagram post but once I hit over 100 words I figured this would be better in a longer forum (and a waste of a post if I didn’t put it on my blog.)
I think it’s because I’m really not being fulfilled at work but I’ve just not felt on my A game. I feel like such a Negative Nancy and I hate it. I’ll get these short bursts of inspiration (like when I gave the blog a makeover) but it takes everything out of me and then I don’t even feel like posting.
So last night I thought about something physical that I could see and touch to ground me… aka a crystal. No lie, I took FOUR quizzes and got 4 different results of what crystal I need right now. Apparently I need rose quartz, clear quartz, tiger’s eye, and abalone.
I went to Etsy and just started looking at crystals and for some reason, Howlite really kept popping up at me. Yes, the “marble” look is trendy AF but there was just something about it that calmed me. Then of course I was drawn to this particular piece because of the rose gold:
Hamsa Mala Necklace
I had never really looked into Howlite as a healing type of stone before, so I was pleasantly surprised when I read in the description:
Howlite: Self-love and acceptance, forgiveness, peace
Clear Quartz: Amplification, Manifestation, Clarity
The combo seems to be just what the doctor ordered for me! In the social media age, and even before, I am constantly caught up in the comparison game and I know that’s totally toxic. I have love from everyone in my life, for which I am extremely thankful, but I could use a healthy dose of self-love. Manifestation and clarity? Both things I can use as someone trying to figure out exactly what to do with my life.
Here’s the thing: as a born and raised Christian I believe whole-hardheartedly in the power of prayer. I pray every day- thanking God for everything I have, asking for his blessings for people on my on-going prayer list, and seeking wisdom for what’s unknown. But I also believe in energies. I think things absolutely can hold both positive and negative energies. (I’m terrified of antique stores for this very reason but that is a conversation for another day.)
When I was single, I used to fall asleep to Chakra balancing meditations from YouTube, after putting a dab of Angel Uriel essential oil behind my ears. Were my Chakras balanced? Hell if I know. But it calmed me. I think crystal healing would have the same effect. Even if it’s placebo, why not carry around a charm to help you focus on an area you need help with?
Do you believe in crystals or anything else I mentioned above? Or do you think it’s a bunch of fooey? Maybe you’re like me somewhere in between- I’d love to know in the comments!
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