Besides stocking stuffers for him and her, the other gift guide request that came from readers last week was an under $25 gift guide. In the past, I’ve combined gifts under $25 with stocking stuffers, but I realized that while some gifts are nice for stockings, they might make for an odd gift on their own (bougie toothpaste). And some gifts under $25 are not conducive to being in a stocking  .

Now, my family goes HAM for stocking time, so our entire hearth is covered in incidentals that don’t fit in our stockings (or whatever we don’t feel like wrapping, tbh) but those types of under $25 gifts are also great for coworkers, friends, or just to have as extra gifts to give if an unexpected guest comes knocking.

Kelly, who specifically requested this gift guide, mentioned white elephant ideas. If you’re unfamiliar with the concept, check out the rules here! You might also call it a  Pollyanna Party. Those gifts should be one-size-fits-all- so keep clothes or makeup for specific skin-tones outta here. Fragrances are also a little tricky because not everyone likes or reacts to perfumes (or candles!) the same way. Go for fun, maybe a little unusual, and useful is good too!

These gifties are all pretty gender neutral so you can feel safe bringing them to that work party. Does your office do a gift exchange? What about your friends?

  1. W & P Design Carry On Cocktail Kit||2.BODUM Cream Caffettiera French Press 3 Cup Coffee Maker||3.10-Ounce Ceramic Cup||4.Cherry Bombe Cook Book||5.Proctor Silex Belgian Waffle Baker||6.Electric Hot Pot||7.Dinosaur Family Tumblers||8.TriceraTACO Taco Holder||9.Set of 6 Floppy Disk Coasters||10.Drink More Water Bottle||11.Mixtape Card Game||12.Avocado Tree Starter Kit – Set of 3||13.Calm the F*ck Down: An Irreverent Adult Coloring Book||14.KOH-I-NOOR Progresso Woodless Colored Pencils 24ct

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