I just realized that we only have a week-ish until Halloween and I basically have not addressed it. BAD CAROLINE! I love Halloween but being sick most of last week totally threw me off.
Halloween is on a Tuesday and I’m going to spend the weekend before at a Lockhouse with my old roomies and a few other couples. I can’t wait and I have the coziest most adorable llama onesie for my costume this year! Plus I got a plush lion onesie for Kendall because it’ll likely be a little nippy out in the wilderness not in our apartment.
I’ve come to realize that my Halloween costume ideas from last year were very niche-y. I mean, if you’re into creepy female characters like I am (like, everyone from American Horror Story is a national treasure), that’s all well and good but this year I wanted to share some SUPER easy costumes that are more universal… and cheap. Seriously, the best kind of Halloween costume is the one you can put together from what you already have, a friend’s closet, and a fast fashion store.

Bonus for the extra lazy: onesies
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