In case you missed my stories this past weekend, here I am being the happiest little llama in the land:
And what was it that kept my booty shakin’ with glee? I had one of the nicest Halloweekends I’ve had in a long time. My old roommates, Kendall, and roommates’ friend and a couple of his friends all rented Lockhouse 28 Saturday night. Before you click on that link you might be asking, “what’s a lockhouse?”
Completed in 1837, Lockhouse 28 stands as a reminder of the fierce competition between the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal and the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad in the race to reach the Ohio River Valley. At Point of Rocks the land between the Potomac River and the rocky outcropping becomes precariously narrow. Both companies knew ownership of this strip of land was imperative to winning the race to the Ohio. Adversaries in the courts for four years, both canal and railroad were given rights-of-way, with the C&O Canal allowed to build next to the river, and the B&O Railroad forced to carve its way through the hillside just above the canal.
We essentially went camping. No electricity or running water. And it was perfect. There weren’t more pictures because weren’t really on our phones. We I toasted ‘mallows, we sat around a fire and told scary stories that I think really only scared me, and enjoyed the slightly cold but not too cold weather. The house actually came with beds and once I got to sleep, I slept amazingly. Kendall, my old roommate Meghann, and I wore our costume onesies and we just were.
My personal favorite time was our long, relaxing campfire breakfast. I’m legit worried that I’ll never enjoy eggs again unless they’re cooked over an open flame. Between those, crispy sausage patties, doughnuts, and coffee- it was just perfect.
The Lockhouse itself was only about an hour outside of DC and a beautiful hour at that. If you want to get away with some friends, it’s only about $100 a night. This location’s 1/2 mile away from parking makes it still feel like camping. I truly needed this trip and highly suggest it for anyone feeling a need to get out there. It was a great way to spend Halloweekend that was totally different than just drinking in a costume somewhere.
What’s your favorite way to disconnect? Because I think I found mine.
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