Throughout our lives, our bodies are constantly changing. Particularly through our teen years. By them time we hit our twenties we have a rough idea of our natural body shape. Some of us will be tall, others short. We have apple shaped figures, pear shape and, of course, the glorious hour glass figure. The problem is, we aren’t always that happy with what we have been given!
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Firstly, it is really important to remember that nearly everyone feels the same about their bodies. Even those friends of yours who are in the gym every day, they are always striving to have a better body, more muscle definition, and a toned stomach. If you ask anyone out running at 5 am if they are happy with their body, most of them will let you know something that isn’t quite right. You aren’t alone.
A very common body issue we all share focuses on our breasts. It appears that none of us a very happy with ours! Breasts are very important to women, and we hold them as part of our femininity. We also hear men talk about them so much that we sometimes obsess over our shape. If you are concerned about yours, there are some exercises that you can do to improve the shape of your bust. Although these might be better for preventing breast drop rather than improving it. It will also help if you keep your skin moisturized using a product such as Bio Oil or if you want to go natural, coconut oil. If you are upset about the shape of your breasts, you could consider breast enhancement pills; there are some great products on the market if you are thinking of investing in your body, however you should talk to your doctor first.
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The way we dress can have a massive impact on the way we look. So it’s important to make sure you are dressing for your figure. Some women say they can’t wear the gorgeous play suits that are so on trend and talk about how much envy they have towards girls who can. The truth is, they could wear a play suit, they just haven’t found one that is cut for them yet. Some girls have shorter bodies and longer legs; this means that a high waisted hemline will make you look heavier on top. Other women are too afraid to wear something that nips in at the waist because they believe they are too big for that. Tighter fitting clothes often show off a curvy figure far better than loose ones. For girls who don’t like their skinny frame, there are also lots of clever cuts which can give the illusion of shape. So, before you start dressing all in black get yourself to a stylist and see what they say. A lot of retailers offer the service for free, so it doesn’t have to cost a fortune!
Learning to love your body is vital, so before you criticize it too much, try alternative ways of dressing and exercising which might make you feel more confident. You are beautiful! We promise!
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