Originally posted on Little Bitty City One 7/13/16
This post was originally going to be an outfit post featuring my adorable popsicle dress from Modcloth that I got specifically for the 4th– but it has turned into something that’s probably more important.
I started blogging because I have always loved showing off a sense of style that may not be 100% the same as what my peers are wearing. But then I started making a little bit of money, meeting tons of other bloggers, getting swag, etc. It turned into a seconds job slash competition for me, and it’s been teetering on the edge of not fun for a little while now. Every once in a while, I need to step back, remember that I started LBC1 to have my own little creative space where I can share things I like. I set my own schedule, I make my own rules. I had one of those epiphany moments on the 4th of July.
Sahra has awesome, awesome parties full of good people, good food, and a good amount of boozy treats. Her 4th party was especially meaningful to me because I got to bring Kendall, who magically got the evening off from army stuff before leaving for a mission. It was gross-ish weather, so we decided to hold off taking outfit photos of my dress until we got to Sahra’s in hopes that it would clear up. (Yes, my boyfriend takes my outfit photos. He is a champ.) So we got there, had a couple drinks, got to hanging out and enjoying the festivities, and totally let the outfit photos slide. And that’s ok. I have a few adorable photos that Kendall and I snapped together, and he got this one goofy one of the back of my dress after my third glass of sangria. We met some really cool people and I connected with some friends I haven’t seen in a while. I lived my life.
And that’s what we want, isn’t it? Even if I don’t document every single moment for my blog/ instagram/ snapchat, those moments still happened, and I should be living in them not behind a screen, capturing them.
My blogging life is going to be a little wonky for a bit. My laptop crashed (I knew that was coming) so I’ll be doing most of my blogging from work on my lunch break. Kendall and I are also moving at the end of summer, and taking a week long vacation before that, so it may not be feasible to get my 5 posts a week in. But I’ll still be here, sharing what I’m loving, wearing, doing, as much as I can.
I hope this struck a chord with other bloggers who may feel bogged down in the commercialism of what their blogging experience has become. There is a lot of bad and scary stuff going on in the world right now, so adding pressure onto yourself for something that is supposed to be for you to express yourself, really, is not fair. Spend time with friends and family. Gain new experiences. Make a new friend or two. This is your blog, treat it how you want. This is your life, remember to live it.
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