A wedding is usually the best day of many people’s lives. However, the trick comes with having the best time you possibly can while trying not to spend too much. The cost can quickly skyrocket, and care is needed to ensure overspending doesn’t occur. It can be quite a stressful time. Some people take to it and enjoy every minute, others tend to let the stress overpower them. There are ways in which you can keep both the costs down and relax as you are doing so. You will have to put in some work, yet it many cases it is work that you won’t mind doing as it is fairly easy and will benefit the day as a whole.
Sola Wood centerpiece
In the first instance you should think about the things that are completely necessary. Food, for example. You can tone it down to save some money but usually it isn’t something people tend to skimp on. You can find a fairly reasonably priced catering company with ease these days if your venue doesn’t already have some sort of package deal for food. A lot of times, you can even work with the caterer to switch out items you may not be crazy for for something you want. I think Kendall and I are switching out pass apps for a sushi bar, for example.
Another huge cost is obviously the venue. This is where you can get more creative and save some money. In this day and age it doesn’t need to be in a church. Granted, you may be religious and it could be important to you. Yet you could save some money by forgoing this. With some creative insight you can make anywhere your venue. Twinkling white lights, bright throws, flowers, these can achieve anything. You can get married on the beach, in a pretty glen, the possibilities are endless. You can also mitigate the venue issue by doing the ceremony and reception it all in one. There are certain places you can get married while still having the party and meal in the same place, keeping everything clustered into one location.
The amount you spend on the attachments and fixtures might be less than you spend on a venue that has everything, but it truly depends on the situation. A friend of mine got married at a summer-camp that she turned into a fairy tale, on a budget, but by the same token when I looked into a venue that on the surface seemed to cost a little less, it would have actually cost more than the one I chose that included everything on the spot. Just do your research and visit the space so that you can really weigh your options!
There are other ways you can save too. It may be convenient, but maybe look into not to get married on a Saturday. Know what peak season is for weddings too- spring and summer. If you like fall or have interest in a cozy, warm winter wedding check into that too! You can still get great wonderful weather, yet you are being wise and saving cash. You can be savvy too, create your own flowers. The personalization can make everything more special. Look at the cake. Consider getting a smaller one so you can still cut it but with less tiers, saving you money. Your best bet is buying wedding items at places that aren’t wedding retailers- I’ve been finding a lot of great stuff on Etsy!
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