Let’s talk about something that might make people a little uncomfortable: money. That’s right- dolla dolla billz y’all. Now, we should all know that it’s impolite to ask people about their income, but it seems like bloggers are asked about this all the time! Like, I had some rando at a bus stop ask me how much my blog made. RUDE. But to be honest, I am actually 100% all about the hustle.
I’m not going to lie, my little blog has become a side job and I actually enjoy earning money doing something that I love. It’s been a really fun adventure and if I didn’t love doing it, I wouldn’t try as hard as I do to make carve out this pretty little space for myself. Through affiliate links I’m actually chipping away at bills + hopefully save up for the extra expenses I know I’ll have coming up for the wedding. I think that everyone should have something for themselves outside of their normal day job, and if it happens to give me a little extra income, all the better!
I’m not saying that everyone should be a blogger, but if you are looking to earn that extra income- have you ever thought of being a Stella & Dot stylist? I’m not myself, because I truly think between the blog, my day job at the firm, and my little job helping out at CorePower that I would be spreading myself a littttle too thin. However, I think it’s a fantastic program. Just some of the perks include:
Income & Free Products– Get 25% – 35% commissions on sales, shop at a discount up to 50% off, plus get tons of free products and perks. I personally adore my Stella & Dot jewelry and get compliments on every piece I wear! My favorite piece right now is the Arc Pendant Necklace– I wore it out on New Year’s Eve!
Be Your Own Boss- You choose the hours, you call the shots. How much you work is up to you. No minimum requirements. The women I know who sell Stella & Dot? Teachers. Some of the busiest people I know. A lot of my Christmas presents came from my mom’s team members who sell Stella & Dot.
Training & Support– Extra income is just the beginning. Join a community of strong and supportive women. I have this with my blogging community, but I feel like it’s so important to have a community of strong women who have your back.
If you don’t want to make the jump to become a Stella & Dot stylist, you may want to consider hosting a Stella & Dot party. Have you ever been to a Stella & Dot party (or trunk show)? That’s how I’ve gotten almost all of my Stella & Dot jewelry. The best thing about them is that the hostess can design the night however she wants around the three main elements:
FRIENDS: Picture a ready-made girls night in. Order in or make you favorite snacks, put on some of your favorite girly tunes, and hang out with your girl friends while trying on jewelry.
FASHION: Try it on in person with your very own Stylist. If you’re a hostess, you bring in a stylist to sell the jewelry. You don’t have to do anything but host and shop!
PERKS: Earn $250+ in free accessories and shop at half off. I meaaaaan this in itself would be a great reason to host a party! I could go absolutely crazy with $25o in Stella & Dot accessories!
I think my favorite thing about Stella & Dot pieces is that they range from on trend, like the Iris Tassel Earrings, to classic staples, like the Signature Engravable Disc Necklace. Let me know if you’ve ever been to a Stella & Dot party, been a stylist, or a host!
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