So, first of all I’m sorry for being a bad blogger and kind of letting The CaroLøve fall by the wayside last week and into this week. Besides a post engagement euphoria, I’ve also come down with a nasty sinus infection situation. I spent a lot of last week struggling to breathe, pinning wedding everything, and, frankly, caring about little else than Kendall and starting our future together. I’ll probably be posting a lot of my wedding faves and likely I’ll have a bit of a harder time posting 5+ times a week. I ask you to bear with me and give me as much feedback as you want!
Second of all- I’m sorry I’m so late on my NYFW post! Now that I’ve gotten a taste of the experience, I’d love to go back! I was in the city for less than 24 hours, but getting to experience my first NYFW show was such an amazing experience, and I’m truly honored that I was even invited.
After a morning blowout at Drybar Midtown East with with an amazing stylist named Fernando, I hopped in a car and made my way to the Yuna Yang show at Gotham Comedy Club. There were only a few girls already there, and we quickly started chatting as we waited outside the club to get in. I mentioned how I’d brought along my camera to the city to have my friend take outfit pics for me before she left for brunch and I left for Drybar, but somehow lost my SD card. Juliette was kind enough to step in an do a quick shoot for me! As she said in her email when she sent the picture over- Not too bad for a three minute impromptu shoot in the rain!
pictures c/o Juliette
Another lovely blogger I met in line was Lexie. Meeting her was like being a little kid and meeting your favorite princess at Disney World. This woman is a princess in real life and so incredibly sweet. I’ve been following her on Instagram for quit so I kind of fangirled when she was standing right in front of me.
Since it was my first taste of NYFW, I was trying so hard to keep an open mind about how things would run, but there is a bit of chaos that I found overwhelming. Half of our tickets had bar codes on them and half didn’t- which confused the team running the show as much as it did us. Juliette and I did not have bar codes so we were sent off to a side line and when we got into the show we weren’t sure if we would be able to see anything. Thank goodness she knew what she was doing, because despite having the “wrong” kind of ticket, we ended up with seats right where the models walked off the stage. I’m so glad we had the view we did because the clothes were incredible- such an amazing display of texture and color. Despite being totally exquisite, the styles were also accessible. I would wear anything in the collection! I’m not even going to pretend I have any idea what I’m talking about, but I simply loved the collection! I’ve said this before, I never studied fashion per say, but I know what I like and I love playing with style. My favorite piece- the mint green fur coat!
Image source
I’m still not sure why I was invited to the Yuna Yang show, and I’m still so honored that I was. I don’t think I would last the whole New York Fashion Week, realistically, but in Fall I would love to go up for at least a few more days. I found Dana’s post about why she skipped it altogether this spring really on point, and I can totally understand where she’s coming from, even as a total newbie. While I could sit and appreciate a gorgeous collection from a designer I hadn’t heard of before, that I want to get to know better, I looked to my left and saw a girl having her photog take a picture of her next to the (at this point) empty stage. Why? To prove you were there? Can’t you just enjoy being in the space you were in with the incredible display you just witnessed? It just made my skin crawl a little. But I’m still so grateful that I was included and I do hope to be able to experience more NYFW in the future.
Have you ever been to NYFW? What do you love and what could you do without?
My Outfit Details:
Bar III Flyaway Faux-Leather Jacket: Macy’s||Lace Top Jumpsuit: Loft||The Sari c/o Pearl & Clasp||Ballet flats: SheIn||Pyramid Watch – Exotic: Stella & Dot||Cross-body {courtesy of} Urban Expressions||Triple Wrap Tassel Bracelet: Emily Kammeyer for E.Kammeyer Accessories
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