It doesn’t matter who you are, where you live, or what you’re currently doing with your life: everyone has an inner side that people struggle to let shine forth. For some people, these are small matters that can occasionally compromise their happiness, but doesn’t affect their entire life. For others, however, their concealed inner light is tantamount to living a lie; to know something, perhaps that you’re not living as true as possible, can eat away at a person if they don’t make the changes needed to feel like their living true.
Rough Amethyst Points
A General Feeling
You’ve probably known it deep down since you were a child. That you’re different. You like and love those people around you, but you see the world in a different way to how they see the world, and you can’t quite see what everyone is saying and doing all the time. You can feel a much bigger narrative taking place in the universe, and you want to find out what it is. Intuitively you know that you’re a child of the universe, rather than simply a product of your city and country. Perhaps you relate to nature more than gimmicky material possessions, or feel a deep sense of empathy with others. Whatever it is, you’re different.
Thinking Bigger
A lot of people think in pretty small terms. They see the day to day world and don’t ask any more. They don’t wonder why we’re here, what the best way to live life is, or anything like that. When you get down to it, the spectrum of acceptable living in the western world is beyond narrow. It dictates that we work for decades, buy a house, and do our best to acquire as many material possessions as possible. There are varying degrees, of course, but that’s more or less it. You’re different, though. You do ask these question, even if no one you know is interested in discussing the answers. You’re on the right path, though – one that will ultimately leave to a happier, more fulfilling life experience. Don’t ever begin to think small just because everyone else is!
Is there More?
You might struggle to understand who you are and jump from one thing to another, but what if there actually was an explanation for how you are as a person? Take a read of ‘what is a lightworker? 8 signs you may be one’ and see if you identify any of your personal qualities in the article. If you do, then you might be ready to take the next step forward. By knowing what type of spirit you are, you can cast away the doubts and focus on actually being the best you can be.
Becoming Who You Should Be
And when it comes to being the best of you (and not the best version of a typical person in your age bracket/background/etc), it really all comes down to finding what makes you tick. It’s about using your positive energy and throwing it into something that you can really feel good about. It could be anything – you might be traveling the world, doing good, or you might be living in peace with nature and making your own personal difference. Whatever it is, when you’re doing what you love you’ll feel your spirit soar!
Staying on the Right Path
Unfortunately, society generally doesn’t take too kindly to people doing things differently. Though there are some parts of the world where you really can do whatever you want without causing too much of a fuss, most societies are skeptical of people who want to go their own way. So you’ll face resistance if you cast away the usual 9-5, home owning lifestyle in pursuit of doing what you were put on this earth to do. The good thing is that after the initial hostility, people – or at least history – will eventually come round to your way of doing things.
Doing Good For the World
The reason people will come round is because just by being yourself you’ll be able to do the most good for the world, and that’s really what the world needs. Most people who stay on the usual paths and don’t let their spirit shine out don’t make much of a positive contribution to the world. Not you, though. Just by being yourself, you’ll inspire and bring positive energy to everyone you meet. Stay committed to what you’re trying to achieve and you really might change the world for the better. Because why not?
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