What’s one of the most precious things we keep throughout our entire lives? Not your phone, not your laptop, not even your house! Memories.
Memories are precious to us because, no matter how old we get, we can recall some of our fondest memories. Maybe it’s the first time you met your partner, maybe it’s the day your child was born, or perhaps an embarrassing moment such as the first time you fell over at school in front of your first crush. The strongest memories we keep are the ones that we cherish throughout our entire lives.
People say that memories are priceless, and while that’s true, money can help you create unforgettable experiences. After all, you won’t make memories and take photos of you and your family scaling the Great Wall of China if you don’t have the money to visit in the first place! Here are some of the most worthwhile experiences to throw your money at if you want to have an unforgettable time.
Trip Around the World
If you take a trip around the world, you’re guaranteed to contract wanderlust. The world is such an amazingly vast and vibrant place that you wouldn’t be able to see all the sights and hear all the sounds it has to offer in a single lifetime. So what better way to spend your money than creating an unforgettable around-the-world experience for you and your family? With Air Charter Flights, you can personalise that holiday even further by making it private. You can book multiple destinations, customise your flight however you like and book it at a date that’s convenient for you.
A Tour of Major Cities
There are so many major attractions around the world that you’d be doing yourself a disservice if you don’t spend a couple of nights in each major capital. Book a fancy, luxury hotel, hire a tour guide and wander around cities like Paris, London and New York as you explore all the sights there are to see. In London, you can take a ride on the London Eye, brave the London Dungeons or break the bank with a visit to one of the world’s most legendary department stores: Harrods.
In China, you can walk across the Great Wall, sample local delicacies and take a peek into ancient Chinese history with a tour around the Forbidden City. In New York, you can tour around the Statue of Liberty, an iconic location that’s regularly featured in movies and also take a leisurely stroll through Central Park with your children.
A Peek Into Tradition
But tourist attractions aren’t the only places you should visit. Take a journey into south-east Asian countries like Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand. These are prime locations for cheap and delicious foods, exciting traditions and historical landmarks that anyone can appreciate. Sometimes, living among the locals and experiencing what they do on a daily basis is more exciting and fulfilling than a few nights in a major city surrounded by major tourist attractions and modern comforts.
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I’m definitely hoping that more travel (international) is on my list in the coming years! Some of my favorite memories