Just as with handbags, I believe there is such a difference between a makeup fake and a dupe. It’s here in this post, but I think essentially a dupe is a substitute for a similar style whereas a fake is trying to be the real thing. I think the difference between fake handbags and fake makeup, though, is that your health comes into play. While a fake designer bag may look tacky, you could be putting chemicals, or worse, on your skin.
Call me naïve, but I actually didn’t even realize that fake designer makeup was a thing and am guilty of purchasing a fake Kylie lip kit at a bazaar this past fall. It’s ok for a gloss, but I couldn’t figure out what the hype was for a product that worked along the same lines as whatever I could find in a drug store. Turns out, it was so-so because it wasn’t real. Essentially, when you’re buying designer imposter makeup, you’re buying the packaging- the formula is going to be completely different. So what’s the point? You can get the same look for less by finding a makeup dupes of the same colors or styles. I know I’m a sucker for packaging, but I’m also getting to the point where I just want to be kind to my skin, along with my wallet.
FENTY BEAUTY by Rihanna – Pro Filt’r Soft Matte Longwear Foundation vs Maybelline New York Dream Velvet Foundation
Too Faced Sweet Peach Eyeshadow Collection vs Makeup Revolution Eyeshadow Palette, New-Trals vs Neutrals
Too Faced Limited Edition Pretty Rich Better Than Sex & Diamonds Mascara vs L’Oreal Paris Makeup Lash Paradise Waterproof Mascara
Kylie Cosmetics Dolce K Lip Kit vs Colourpop – Ultra Matte Liquid Lipstick – Chi
If you still need more convincing than the fact you’re paying more to make you feel like you’re paying less (I still spent $17 on a mediocre lip gloss because I thought it was Kylie), think of the fact you really could be putting yourself in danger. One of the creepiest things in the below video is that even though the fake Fenty foundation looked and felt totally different on Safiya Nygaard’s skin, the fake listed the exact same ingredients on the bottle. So really, she had no idea what she was putting on herself, and also fully advised not to ever use fake makeup. Definitely check out this video if you’re not convinced.
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