You’re probably already running and tackling your wedding-checklist, you’ll have your budget set out, your guest list noted down and are already making your way through the first steps to making your wedding the best day ever. Whether you’ve started the plans yourself or your other half is giving you a hand, don’t forget you will have loads of bridesmaids you’ll have your mom and mother in law to give you hand. Probably more than eager to have an input too! Maybe you’ve even arranged a wedding planner to help, whatever input and experienced advice you can gather when planning is good to consider.
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You should always remember, it’s important to keep the bigger picture in focus as you figure out the little details. There are definitely a few things that you should be aware of before planning your big day though so have a look below at some of the key areas to keep in mind:
Choose A Venue First
Selecting your venue is one of the best places to start when it comes to starting your wedding planning. Often your venue is the key to a lot of the planning that follows. Some even have restrictions on what you can and can’t have at the venue such as certain flowers, no tents or no horse and carriage, how many guests you can cater for, the timings of the day and many, many more. So getting the venue ticked off is definitely a good choice, you don’t want to have any nasty surprises down the road when you find out you can’t have the tent rentals that you’ve booked or you can’t have the 20 guests during the day time that you want. Another thing to consider with booking your venue first is that it can often be one of the biggest chunks of your budget so sorting this first gives you a good guideline for the other expenses.
Be Patient
Patience is definitely a virtue when it comes to wedding planning. Yes, it can be difficult to be patient and even easier to tell someone that they should be patient however the more you stress out about the planning the more you will come to not enjoying it. Remember that the vendors and planners are probably dealing with a lot more than just your wedding and that they need to be able to provide a service to all their clients. This means that at times you may not get your answer straight away, planners are often waiting on information from vendors so if you’re going it alone and not using a planner you should expect to wait these times too. Try to treat everyone with respect but if they do start to take a little longer than they should be with regards to responding, politely let them know they aren’t living up to the standards they have set for themselves and that you’re disappointed with the service been provided.
You Don’t Need To Know Every Detail
When it comes to a wedding there is a lot that goes on behind the scenes that the bride and groom don’t know about and quite frankly you don’t need to know about. It’s much better than way. Unless you have planned every little thing yourself there is always going to be an element of control you need to release, whether that’s what’s going on in the kitchen, the cars arriving on time or the setup of your reception, you don’t need to know everything. You will feel much more relaxed if you don’t especially if anything was to go wrong but is easily fixed.
These are just three areas that you should be aware of before you start planning, hopefully, it will help to make your planning journey more relaxed and stress-free. Do you have any hints and tips that you can share in the comments section below?
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