People always ask ‘are you ready for the summer?’, and you should reply ‘no, I’m always prepared!’ The idea that vacations and breaks only take place from June to August is ridiculous. At the moment it’s February, and that’s a good enough reason than any jet set to a sandy, isolated beach on the African coast. However, it’s imperative that you are prepared for landing on the tarmac and that means getting your body into shape. Forget the long hours at the gym because they are tedious and boring. Instead, focus on these four straightforward steps.
Monogrammed Fishing shirt
Bronze Up
I’m a full out European mutt- but basically if you look at my parents I’m basically half Italian/ half Eastern European. I got more fair genes than my bronze mama. Thankfully, bronzer is on hand to add a little bit of tan to your complexion. Plus, it also complements muscle definition, and that makes you look more toned while frolicking in the surf. As always, use small amounts and top up when necessary. And, apply manually because sunbeds are health hazards according to the experts.
Assist the girls
As someone who has had to wear a bra since I was 8, I’ve considered having them… downsized? The grass is always greener though and I’m not sure that many women actually feel 100% confident in their chest. (Major kudos to those who do though!) Hiring a plastic surgeon may seem extravagant, but don’t forget about augmentation. It changes the shape without invasive treatment. For the truly au naturel women readers, it’s easy to situate yourself with the right choice of bikini. Never choose anything that is too lightweight as popping out the sides isn’t recommended. Plus, think about the shape and size also. An online guide can help if you need inspiration.
Food For Thought
Don’t fret because this post isn’t going to tell you to try a fad diet. You like to eat and that is healthy. Of course, a couple of handy pointers always come in handy on vacation. One to keep in mind at all times is the benefit of water-rich fruits. Produce such as melon and watermelon are full of H2O and help keep the body hydrated. As a result, the skin will glisten in the hot sun. Also, chomping on these foods is a fantastic way to avoid feeling bloated as they are light as well as tasty.
Wax On, Wax Off
I’ve never had my legs waxed and don’t plan on it. Honestly, it’s too much hassle and very frustrating for the majority of ladies. Thankfully, there are other options. Take electrolysis or IPL as examples. But, by far the least painful and stress-free is the Depilar System. After waxing, a pro adds the gel to problem areas and it slowly kills the cells. After five or six treatments, there should be no hairy leg syndrome every again.
So, are you ready to hit the beach regardless of the time of year?
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