When a “penthouse” is mentioned, certain stock images spring to mind. We generally associate a penthouse suite with the city and luxury. Why? Well, penthouses first gained popularity in the 1920s, otherwise known as the “roaring twenties”. Economic growth led to the major renovation of properties in bustling inner cities, such as New York. The penthouse of any building is essentially an apartment on the top floor, accompanied by various luxury features. But nowadays, building regulations have been altered and expanded to the extent that one building alone can host numerous penthouse suites. So, are they all they’re made out to be? Are they worth investing in? Or has their novelty worn off in favour of other forms of accommodation? Here’s a quick run through of the various benefits of living in a penthouse suite.
The Label
Penthouses come with a premium price tag and a premium reputation. One of the main social benefits of living in a penthouse is the label that it comes with. It is essentially a status symbol, establishing your taste for the finer things in life and willingness to pay out for high-quality aspects of living. Remember that many people won’t have the privilege of having set foot in a penthouse, never mind living in one of their own.
A Room with a View
One of the main benefits that come with a penthouse suite is the view. As the property lies at the highest point of any given building, it is likely to give you the best views possible. When you look out of the windows of a standard building on the ground floor, first floor or perhaps even second floor, your view is blocked by other properties. Especially when you’re in the inner city. Who wants to open their curtains to look straight into someone else’s bedroom? Or an illuminated store sign? Penthouse suites soar above the rest and give you the opportunity to take in sweeping views of city life. Above the exhaust fumes and the hustle and bustle of pedestrians, you can take in the twinkling city lights and get a good angle of the sunrise and sunset. Remember that not all penthouse suites are in the city too! There are rural versions that offer a completely different take on a room with a view. Perhaps you could look out over azure lakes, expansive mountain ranges, or green forests. Whatever landscape lies around, a penthouse suite will allow you to appreciate it properly. This is why so many have a ceiling to floor window fitted!
Eliminate Noisy Neighbors and Street Noise
Are you sick of hearing the people living above you stomp around their rooms? It’s not until you live beneath another’s home that you realize just how noisy simple activities such as walking can truly be. Well, there’s a way to prevent this: live at the top. When you’re in a penthouse suite, you never have to worry about noisy neighbors storming about or dropping belongings on the floor. Just remember to be a little kinder and more considerate to those living beneath you by being a little lighter on your feet. Living high up from street level also means that you are out of earshot of traffic, arguments between members of the public.
Save on Heating
We all know that heat rises. So it’s not all too surprising that penthouse suites stay rather toasty from the heat rising from lower floors in the building alone. While you are likely to pay out a lot more on rent than other inhabitants of your block, you can save a little expenditure on their behalf, as the heat they use to warm their own properties is likely to end up in your suite anyway. Just ensure that you have high quality, effective insulation in your apartment to contain what heat does rise. So, forget turning up the radiators to full and save yourself some cash in the process.
When it comes to burglary, penthouse suites are likely the last place on a thief’s list of targets. Why? Well, they’re just difficult to access. Why waste time trying to scale to the top floor of a block when they can target lower levels much more easily? Transporting stolen goods down various flights of stairs or in an elevator is also difficult and time-consuming. By the time they have made their way out of the property with your belongings, security is likely to have caught up with them and intercepted them, or they will have left plenty of evidence to be identified by and will likely have been sighted on CCTV numerous times. It’s just not worth the hassle for them!
The majority of penthouses are in popular areas. So if you move into one, you are likely to come into the benefits associated with living in popular areas. There are likely to be plenty of transport links nearby so you could get from A to B easily without having to worry about purchasing, insuring and taxing a vehicle of your own. Buses, trains, and other public transport options should be sufficient for your needs, with the odd taxi here and there out of hours. There are also likely to be plenty of activities within walking distance too! From restaurants, bars and cafes, to cinemas, museums, and other cultural points of interest. That’s not to mention the day to day essentials, such as grocery stores and shopping malls.
As you can see, there are so many benefits to living in a penthouse that it’s not surprising that they have managed to maintain and uphold the positive reputation that they’ve held for years on end. So, if you plan to lie in the lap of luxury and are searching for a new place to live, this may well be the best option for you. You can revel in a property that will be the talking point and envy of your loved ones, friends, colleagues and other acquaintances.
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