I’ve been drinking coffee since I was 7. No, really. I made myself a cup of coffee after church and proudly told my mom. I remember her exasperated sigh and then her telling me, “Caroline. You’re seven. At least put some milk in it or something.” As one of those kids (and adults) who is heavily effected by caffeine and sugar, I don’t blame her. I was already a live wire, why add fuel to the fire?
I’ve been a coffee drinker for more of my life than not. It started with just weekends at church, or at the tail end of my grandfather’s annual Christmas party when the adults started going home and my sister, uncle, and I returned from the babysitter down the street. Then I discovered caramel frappuccinos. In high school, breakfast was instant coffee mixed with hot chocolate. I’m not as into the sugary crap anymore- I prefer my coffee with a dollop of creamer or almond milk and perhaps a special flavoring if Irish Creme, Pumpkin, or Lavender (my favorite) is available.
Fall of the patriarchy coffee mug
by TheCaroLove
I had it my way, I would exclusively drink coffee from Cool Beans, my favorite coffee spot down the shore. I almost do- I usually get a few different flavors when I’m down the shore for Chowder Fest that last me quite a while.
I try to limit myself to one cup of coffee a day. To cut back on my Starbucks addiction (and therefore also on plastic cups), I’ve taken to making my coffee at home and drinking it on my way to work. The only problem with that is that my trusty Keurig has just about given up on itself. I’ve tried descaling it and a few other remedies I found online, but I think it’s just much-loved and needs to be replaced. Because I use my reusable pod with my Cool Beans coffee more than I use Keurig pods, I’m considering switching up my machine. I linked below the one I’m most considering, but would love suggestions!
I’ve also linked some ways to spice up your morning coffee routine- from cutie mugs to some of my fave flavors (I usually use about half of the recommended amount.)
How do you take your coffee?
KitchenAid® Personal Brewer Coffee Maker||Pinky Up Piper Rose Gold Press Pot||Paramount Coffee Flavored Sweetie Pie||Leggings Lipstick Latte Stainless Steel Travel Mug||Sonoma Syrup Company Organic Lavender Simple Syrup||Torani Holiday Syrup Flavors, Gingerbread, Pumpkin Spice and Toasted Marshmallow||Nestle Coffee-Mate Honey Pecan Flavored All Natural Creamer||Jordan’s Skinny Syrups – French Vanilla Whipped Foam Topping
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