You go to buy a diamond ring from the store. You are so excited to make this special purchase. Perhaps it is an engagement ring for your soon-to-be fiancé? Or maybe you just feel like treating yourself because you feel like adding something to your jewellery collection? You find the diamond of your dreams. But then you worry that it might not be the real deal.
Diamond Engagement Ring
You’re concerned that you spent so much money on something that may not be real or that you gave your partner a faux diamond. How could you have made this error? Well, the truth is; it is quite easy. Unless you know the tell-tale signs you can quite easily end up being lured by fake diamond rings without even realizing. To ensure this does not happen to you keep on reading to discover how to tell the difference between a real and a fake diamond.
The first thing you should ask for when buying a diamond ring is certification. There are various grading authorities who have provided their grading systems for the industry. However, the most popular on a worldwide scale is undoubtedly GIA certification. These diamonds may be more expensive, but this is because they are genuine and priced accurately. Check out Get Cash if you need assistance with the monetary side of things. This ranks a diamond based on color, clarity, cut and carat weight. Therefore, not only are you assured that it is 100 percent real but you also get a good idea regarding the level of quality as well.
Assess it yourself
If the diamond is loose then there are a few tests you can do to determine whether the diamond is real or not. Here are two of the best options…
- Draw a little dot on a piece of paper with a pen. Then place your diamond on top of the dot. Now, look directly down on the diamond. If you can see a circular reflection in the stone then the ‘diamond’ you are looking at is actually a fake.
- For the second test, you will need to have a newspaper handy. Turn the diamond upside down and place it on the newspaper. If you can read the print through the stone you unfortunately probably have a fake diamond on your hands.
Buy a testing kit
You can easily purchase a combination diamond/moissanite tester. These are extremely effective in determining whether a diamond is real or not. You put the tester on the diamond and if it lights up and beeps then you know you have a real diamond. If there is no reaction at all then, unfortunately, you have a fake on your hands.
Fog test
Last but not least, why not try the fog test? Put the stone to the front of your mouth and fog it – just like you do on a mirror. If the diamond is real then the heat will disperse instantly and thus you won’t really notice much fog. However, if it stays fogged up for a while then it is likely to be fake.
Find a quality jeweler
If you purchase from a jeweler with a good reputation then you have every chance of buying a real diamond. After all, if they have been known to sell fakes then you can guarantee there will be people complaining all over the internet.
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