A great way to build your personal confidence is to take care of yourself and your health. When you go to the gym or decide to eat healthily, for instance, you are effectively saying, in every action you pursue, that you are worth taking care of. And who is saying that? You are. This means you are tacitly giving yourself your own approval, caring and protecting and preparing yourself for the future in one feel swoop.
It’s hard not to feel as though you’re worth something after partaking in that, and you need not even utter a single self-affirmation for that to be true. Another great way to achieve this is to take confidence in your wardrobe. Many of us enjoy fashion, but might feel limited based on what our body looks like, or what styles we think we couldn’t exactly ‘pull off,’ or perhaps because we haven’t invested in ourselves in some time, we might not think ourselves worth it.
Clothes Rack with Wheels
Sift Through Your Wardrobe
It can be a nice idea to get started by sifting through your wardrobe and making sure you know exactly what clothes you have. It might be some time since you last went through every item of clothing you have, and the effort can seem somewhat intensive. But if you do this over the course of a week or so, you can break up the effort into manageable chunks.
But what are you looking for here? Well, it can be healthy to take a solid inventory of your wardrobe and what outfits you may wish to put together. You may have some clothes that are too small or big for you now, and so it can be healthy to consider selling those through apps like Depop, donating them to charity, or properly disposing of them. Or, perhaps you can place clothes you hope to fit in within a special area of the wardrobe, a motivator for sticking to your healthy lifestyle habits.
This way, you will know exactly what to expect from your wardrobe, and the direction you may like to push it.
Take Care Of Your Clothes
It’s a wonderful idea to take care of your clothes, most of us know that. Yet the degree to which we care for our clothes can be healthy. Using ironing spray, used by tailors, to help you work out any kinks or creases can be healthy after committing to your laundry, and re-purchasing hangers to help them store beautifully within your wardrobe space can be effective.
If you haven’t by now, learning to fold clothes properly, as if working in a clothing store, can help you preserve your garments properly while also making better use of the space in your wardrobe and drawer set. Furthermore, even taking a little effort in folding socks and underwear can be helpful. This might sound time consuming, but you’d be surprised just how an effort like this can help you take pride in your wardrobe.
Of course, it can also be helpful to learn basic seamstress skills to help you repair a piece of clothing should you need to. Fixing a hole, or perhaps even retrofitting a garment for another use can be a great way to spend your time. That kind of effort is sure to benefit you.
Acquire A Few New Treats
A wardrobe shouldn’t feel like a stock room or a library of old-forgotten books. It should be fun and dynamic! It’s okay to acquire a few new treats from time to time, especially if resetting your wardrobe.
Perhaps you can do this every time a new season comes along, helping you give your standard outfits more versatility. Perhaps, from time to time, you can enjoy something new and daring, like wearing a hat you may not usually wear, or perhaps going for shoes that you’ve always wanted to try but haven’t felt confident enough to yet.
This kind of approach can help you remind yourself that actually, fashion is there to be enjoyed. While there are a few common sense rules that most of us try to conform to, it’s rare that you ‘have’ to follow fashion in a distinct manner. It’s much better than you decide to have fun with your fashion and enjoy your time wearing your clothes than you should commit to any predefined standard that makes you feel as if you’re not representing yourself properly.
But of course, you don’t have to purchase an entirely new wardrobe to achieve that. A few treats, here and there, can be a wonderful and valuable use of your time going forward.
Consider Your Style For Today
Many of us find that our ‘styles’ are styles that we seem to have curated for a long time. That’s okay, if you find that a garment or type of outfit works for you, and you enjoy wearing that, then who is anyone else to tell you differently?
Who are you today? Are you dressing for that person? How have your tastes changed, and why don’t you consider who you are now as opposed to who you may have been?
It could be that now you’re blonde instead of brunette, you relate to your wardrobe in a totally different manner. Finding confidence in that, and moving forward towards experimentation and figuring out who you are today is perhaps the best means by which to find more security in your wardrobe. Even new accessories can help.
After all – if your wardrobe doesn’t allow you to express yourself, then what exactly is it for?
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