Somewhere along the way towards adulthood, we start to lose the child that we once were. That innocence, naivety and creativity can dissipate, eventually making way for adulthood and all of its challenges. Remember when you used to wish as a child that you could grow up quicker? It’s certainly not the case when you reach your adult years and realize that life isn’t this world of happiness that we expect it to be as kids.
So with that in mind, it’s time to get back in touch with that child that’s still inside all of us. We all have that young spirit whether it’s sitting just below the surface or buried deep. Here are five ways to get in touch with your inner child.
Keep An Open Mind
When we grow up, the world continues to change and advance in ways that we eventually become unfamiliar with. It’s at this point that it’s beneficial to keep an open mind about everything that you experience as younger generations come about and craft the world that we live in.
By keeping an open mind, you can hopefully adapt to the newer world we see evolving. When you’ve become out of touch with what society is all about and the changes that are being made, it can really remind you of your age. So in the spirit of living like we’re young, try to open your mind to new ways of thinking and newer ways of life as the years go by. The world will continue to evolve and change long after you’re gone, so it’s good to change with it and see it’s growth before your eyes.
Revisit Classic Films For Nostalgia
When you come across something that has been buried deep within the memories of your brain for years and years, it can be a hit of nostalgia that brings it all back. If you’ve been struggling to get back in touch with that inner-child, one of the best ways of accessing them is through classic films and television shows that you used to watch.
The benefits of the internet allow us to watch and stream shows or films from all over the place. Whether it’s a recent film that reminded you of something else or a classic from the years prior in which you watched it over and over again.
There’s nothing better than having an injection of nostalgia every now and then to keep you young.
Get A Fun Outfit Or Two
Sometimes, it’s not just about doing things that bring out that younger side in you, it’s what you wear too! Who said that unicorn pajamas are just for kids or that you have to have a wardrobe that’s full of clothing that doesn’t make you feel comfortable but is there because it’s stylish? When it comes to dressing for yourself, find clothing that you actually like wearing because it makes you happy.
A fun outfit or two isn’t going to change anything but it can make you feel more in touch with that inner child – especially when it’s something quirky like a unicorn onesie!
Spend Time Doing Things You Enjoy
We tend to push ourselves into things that don’t make us happy or perhaps do it in order to appease others. However, your free time and the time you make for yourself in life is for you to do with as you please. Try not to get too hung up on doing things that bring nothing of value to your life. Instead, focus on activities that bring you joy, regardless of what it is. It’s much better to be happy and enjoy things you are passionate about in life, than to pretend to do things that others are doing but are boring as anything to you.
When you spend more time on doing things you like, you end up being a lot happier in general.
Work To Live Rather Than Living To Work
As much as work can be important to pay the bills and provide structure in your life, it’s also important that you perfect that work life balance. Ideally, you want to have the mindset of working to live, rather than living to work. By living to work, you’re not truly enjoying everything that life has to offer. Shift your mindset and it will certainly help bring change to your life.
There are plenty of ways to get back in touch with that inner child, but use these tips to start off.
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