When the dust is settled from the proposal and the wedding photos are firmly ensconced in their frames, you settle into a life of marital bliss. One of the most exciting things about any relationship – and particularly a marriage – is the way two families blend together, to the point you can’t even see the joins anymore.
Getting along with your in-laws is a fairly vital part of being in a couple. After all, they’re an important part of your partner’s life, which by default makes them an important part of yours. While it can be a difficult relationship in some instances, for most of us, we begin to see our in-laws as a second set of parents. Then there are the siblings; the sister-in-law we didn’t know was missing from our life until this point, the big brother-in-law we always wanted.
Gift Wrap
Wonderful as this is, it can make life trickier when it comes to Christmases and birthdays. Obviously, you’re going to include your in-laws in your gift-giving – in fact, they will rank right up there in importance along with your own blood family. But it can be a tricky time, because what’s an appropriate gift?
If you know your in-laws incredibly well, then this might not be a problem for you. However, in some circumstances, while close, you might not feel that you truly know them as people. Some of that may be lack of time or distance; more and more people don’t live near their parents anymore, so you might have only met them a handful of times. While you can learn about one another and become friends, family even, through online communication and phone calls, it’s difficult to have the exact same level of intimacy.
If you ask your partner, they might have a good gift idea… or they might not. If they do have guidance, then follow it, because they know their parents better than anyone. But if they’re not more forthcoming than “I don’t know… socks maybe?”, then you might need to strike out by yourself.
While there’s no real way of suggesting perfect matches for your specific in-laws, here’s a few guidance ideas that can at the very least spark your imagination.
Play To What You Know
Let’s say that your in-laws like to travel a lot. That gives you a jumping off point for where to find ideas. You could go for a bag for their next weekend away, spruced up as monogrammed gifts at VivandLou.com/bags.html so they can do away with unsightly luggage tags. Or if they love golf or caring for their pets, you can theme a gift around these areas.
Not only does this technique provide them with something useful, but it also shows that you have taken the time to think about them and the things that they enjoy. A couple of free daughter-in-law points for you there!
Photos Always Play Well
Photographs are the gift that keeps on giving, displayed on walls to be enjoyed all year round. You could consider posing for a series of photos just for your in-laws, something special and unique for them to treasure. Alternatively for smaller budgets, find a new frame and choose your favorite photo of you, them, and your partner together. Or you could create a collage – http://www.techradar.com/how-to/computing/apple/how-to-create-a-photo-collage-1305665 has some great techniques to allow you to do this.
Ask Them!
Depending on how close you are with your in-laws, the best option might just be to ask them. It can even be a bonding moment if you phrase it along the lines of wanting to find something they will definitely love – your concern will be appreciated.
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