Who wants to live by the saying “Grow old gracefully” and what does it even mean? Perhaps we ought to stop slipping out for drinks on a Friday night? Or do we need to dress our age? It is a crazy saying and one that many women have decided to ignore. Good for them! Just because you are getting older doesn’t mean you have to change your attitude. If you feel young, you look young. So embrace it!
Adult-ish Shirt for Women
Growing older really means that you are old enough now to dress for yourself, not for anyone else. If you like the Kate Middleton look then carry on. However, don’t think that once you’re an adult, you have to strip back your colors and ditch your high heels. Go bright, go bold and keep your feet squished into the killer heel as long as you possibly can. As long as you have confidence, you can pull of whatever you want!
Adulthood also means you might get a few lines here and there. I have laugh lines around my eyes now that don’t bother me at all but if they do bother you, give yourself a little bit of a helping hand when it comes to feeling gorgeous. There are lots of non-surgical treatments which can hide a few years away from the world. An oxygen facial will give you an anti-ageing boost, and no one even needs to know where you slip away to every Friday lunch.
Finally, maybe you should ditch the boozy nights out- but just trade them for a boozy lunchtime which spills on, quite unintentionally to the evening. #brunj You and your closest girlfriends should be getting together every Saturday that your schedules allow to catch up and have a glass of champagne over lunch. Grab a crew and make it a mini dance party like we did at the Barbie Brunch.
Have fun, you have earned the right to. Adulthood comes with more responsibilities but now you can finally fund the fun you wanted in your early 20s!
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Sometimes we all just need a little reminder that growing old isn’t so bad. With responsibility also comes fun; just in a different manor.