Is there anything that’s rougher than trying to maintain a healthy, sleek look through the winter? (Other than the feeling of winter itself, of course. Sleet in your face and snow leaking through your favorite boots are not experiences that anyone wants to go through very often.) Winter is rough on your appearance – but luckily there are some ways that you can fight against it…
S’well Elements 17oz Water Bottle
Keep Hydrating
As we all know, the skin is an organ, which means that it’s made up of cells, which are, of course, mostly made up of water. The eight glasses of water each day thing that we’ve all read about countless times is largely a myth – but it is crucial that you keep drinking it in order to make your skin look bright and full. Drinking plenty of water also ensures that your hair keeps its full, glossy look all winter long. If you find that it looks thin or lifeless, talk to your doctor as you may have a vitamin deficiency or a problem with your thyroid.
Logo Lettering Quilted Leather Hat
Protect Yourself From The Elements
If you want to keep your hair looking good through the winter as well as the summer, it’s time to invest in a hat. ‘What’s that?’ I hear you say. ‘Risk hat hair all winter? Is she crazy?’ Not crazy in the least, my friends. Rain, wind and cold temperatures can damage your hair by making it more brittle and easily breakable – particularly if you go outside with hair that’s still wet from the shower. (But of course that’s a whole other issue – do you want to use heat products on your hair every day?) Make sure that you cover your hair with a hat or a hood and protect your skin by pulling your scarf up over your face. Go for high quality skincare and hair-care products like the ones at – they’ll be extra enriching and full of ingredients that are great for you. It’s important to find a brand and a formula that suits you.
NARS – Blush – Orgasm
Change Your Makeup Routine
Orange foundation is probably the most appalling of all makeup sins, and it’s way too easy to make that mistake in the winter when you’re at your most pale and interesting. Go for a paler shade of foundation and concealer than you would in the winter, and make sure that you blend it in carefully to your neck and hairline. Beauty blenders can help with this, or a fat, soft foundation brush with short bristles. You might think that foundation brushes with longer bristles are the best – but the truth is that they don’t blend your foundation into your pores as well, and instead spread it over your skin like a paintbrush, which is not a good look. It may be winter but you can still go for a little gleam with blusher with a slight sparkle in it – try out NARS Orgasm for a traditionally excellent look that suits everyone – along with a little highlighter on the point of your face that the light hits, like your brow bone, your cheekbones, and the bow of your lips.
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