Moving home is often associated with lots of packaging, planning and also arguing. However, if you live on your own then it can actually be even more difficult because all of the responsibility is placed on you.
If you live an independent lifestyle then you’re probably accustomed to making all of your own important decisions, but there are so many components when it comes to moving home that you’re bound to forget one thing or another. In order to make the entire process easier for you, here are a couple of ways to make moving home on your own a breeze.
moving announcement cards
Declutter your home
Packing up your belongings can take a while if you have a lot of clutter. The first thing to do is clear out all the clutter. Anything that you don’t need needs to be thrown out or else it will follow you like a stray cat to your new home. Don’t carry waste with you because not only does it increase the overall weight of your packed bags and boxes, but it also forces you to use up more space in your new home. Clean out your house, empty all the drawers and get rid of things that you don’t need. This will make it a hundred times easier to move in the future because you won’t need to carry around so many boxes, and it helps to keep your belongings organized so you don’t lose anything in your boxes.
Carry a separate bag for daily essentials
If you’ve got a complicated skincare routine or just love being organized (who doesn’t?) then make sure you pack a separate bag full of your daily essentials. Skincare creams, make-up, medication, toothbrush and paste… the list can go on! Anything that you need on a daily basis should be packed in this bag alongside a spare change of clothes and toiletries. This is especially important if you’ve spent the whole day moving and carrying boxes. The last thing you want to do is unpack all of your belongings, so kick up your feet, relax and pretend you’re on holiday by just relying on your daypack.
Have you shopped around for moving quotes?
Unless you have a vehicle that’s capable of carrying all of your belongings, you’ll want to shop around for the best quote from movers. Prices can vary drastically so it’s important to look at various sites to determine what will be the cheapest and most efficient. You can click here if you want to find out more about movers and to calculate a sample quote. You also have the option of asking friends and family to help, but only if they’re willing to lend you a vehicle of theirs.
Don’t forget your emotions
Moving can be an emotional time especially if you’re living on your own. Make sure you spend plenty of time with close friends and family members that you’ll be leaving behind because you might not be able to see them for a while. Even if you’re just moving across town or a few streets down, you’ll be experiencing some drastic changes that could ultimately change your entire life. In times like this, it’s nice to have someone to talk to.
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