It’s not secret that a lot of people are fairly wasteful. The fact is that as a society, we have become rather wasteful. Unlike our ancestors of the past, we don’t tend to live by the motto ‘mend and make do’. Instead, when an item of clothing rips or a zip gets stuck, we chuck the item out and replace it with a new piece.
The life that many people lead in 2018 is, without a doubt a fairly wasteful one, and one that is far more affordable than it needs to be. So if this year, you’d like to reduce your spending to make life more affordable or to save for something exciting like a holiday or your wedding, then the tips below may be useful.
Waste Not Want Not Embroidered Tea Towel
Save leftovers
Far too many of us choose to simply scrape leftover food into the trash, which is a total waste of food, time and money. If we took the time to place any leftovers into a Tupperware container in the refrigerator or freezer, we would save ourselves time and money in the future.
If you want to cut costs this year, make a conscious effort to save leftovers, rather than simply chucking them away. Pot up any leftover food and put it on your fridge or freezer to have another day – by doing this, you will save money on the cost of entire meals each week, which over time will add up.
Get rid of unwanted gift cards
Have you been given a gift card for Christmas or your birthday that just isn’t to your tastes? Instead of burying it in the bottom of your purse and forgetting about it, why not sell it and pocket the cash?
There are various sites like Cards2Cash for instance, that you can use to sell unwanted (in date) gift cards to, and get paid for doing so. This way the gift card doesn’t get wasted, and you still get some money for it. Now, that’s a savvy choice.
Mend your clothes
There’s nothing wrong with treating yourself to new clothes throughout the year if you need them. However, a mistake that you don’t want to make is choosing to get rid of clothes just because they have a rip or a stain on them, instead attempt to fix them.
By fixing damaged clothing yourself, rather than throwing it away and replacing it, you can significantly cut costs and reduce the amount of money that you are wasting each year.
The fact is that we live in a society that doesn’t value savvy living as much as in times gone by, which has meant that it’s easier than ever to get into a habit of not valuing your finances. Whereas, when it comes to your spending, it’s important to ensure that you do think carefully about what you are spending money on, and make an effort not to be wasteful.
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