Do you receive too many invitations on Facebook or per SMS and trash them without even a look? If you do, it’s time to work out how to create invitations that are memorable and successful. By the way, if you need a hint: Those are not digital. The best invitations you will ever receive are the ones you can hold between your fingers. Paper invitations are simply the best if you want to make an impression. Have a look at some favorites below and get inspired!
Pines and Swirls Holiday Ornament Cards
The best Christmas Greetings
Christmas is not only the season of festive decorations and chocolate Santas, but it is also that time of the year where you will find yourself sending dozens of greeting cards to your friends, family, neighbors and colleagues. Some families even put the best cards in the Christmas tree as a piece of decoration. So, how do you make sure that your card will end up in the tree too? The answer is simple: Be original! You will find that plenty of families are sending a portrait picture to illustrate the season. You could beat them to it by creating with your family a hyper trendy photo, such as inspired from the latest Star Wars film maybe, Rogue One, or a playful review of your family by playing the Nativity scene with the kids. What works for Christmas cards is that they are amusing, witty and creative. Remember not to be rude or insulting to anyone. Also, avoid the traditional Christmas trap of dressing up the dog as Rudolph the red-nosed deer. It’s been done far too often! Unless you can bring something new to the scene, don’t do it!
Garden Lights Wedding Invitations
Wedding Cards To Live For
While not everyone you know get married every day, wedding cards rarely manage to excite. They carry the key information for the guests to prepare, such as who is getting married, where and when. This makes them appear a little formal, especially because guests only have a limited time to provide their answer. So it might feel a little impersonal to receive such a card. Sometimes, series printed cards simply fail to deliver the message properly. It is important, indeed, that wedding invitations remain engaging and personal. You want your guests to be touched by the attention and want to be there for your special day. Personal and handmade wedding invitations will always make the best impression and convince your guests to come.
We MOOved Moving Announcements
Housewarming Invitations That Will Set An Unforgettable Party Mood
Moving houses is a big step for many people. Even if it is sometimes only to the end of the street, it marks a new beginning in your life. It is an event that matters, and it should be celebrated as such. The secret to a successful housewarming party starts in the preparation of extraordinary invitation cards that you can distribute to your friends and neighbors. This is the moment in your life where you tell people who you are and ask them to join you in your new house to fill it up with joy and positive vibrations. Set the mood from the beginning: get amazing housewarming cards, create cards that say ‘I’m cool and I want to spend the evening with you.’
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