I was thinking I might try something new for 2022 and see how it goes – creating a moodboard for how I’d like the month to go. Let’s see if I stick to it, but I did have fun creating this month’s.

The idea for this January is to keep it somehow both low-key and luxury. I decided to really moniter my drinking on NYE and instead of waking up with a hangover, I woke up ready to enjoy the last couple days of relaxing before getting back into the swing of things with work, and then spring semester starting on the 10th. I love, love, love my apartment, and it’s so comfy and cozy and makes me so happy.

But keeping it low-key doesn’t have to mean skimping on at least feeling lux. Light a favorite candle, drink out of your favorite mugs, open that skincare you got for Christmas that you were “saving”. Take care of yourself and above all else, live intentionally.

My friend Justin asked me if I had any new years resolutions. I actually do! I’d like to read more and shop less impulsively. Just because it’s on sale, that doesn’t mean I need it. However, I read somewhere this past week that you shouldn’t set restrictive resolutions, but additive ones instead. So read more? Perfect. Shop less? Let’s turn that around to “appreicate more”. My weaknesses are purses, shoes, and skincare. I don’t need any of the above because I am well-stocked, especially after Christmas. Appreciating and recognizing what I already have has already stopped me in my tracks a couple of times.

Enjoy your little luxuries, and have a safe and prodcutive start to the 2022!

Champagne Toast candle||Priming Moisturizer Rich||LUXE PLUSH ROBE – Expensive Shit||Fur Slippers||W&P Porter Travel Coffee Mug with Protective Silicone Sleeve||11:11 Rose Quartz Pocket Stone||Fairy Tale Bath Salt||Wander Beauty Baggage Claim Gold Eye Mask Packette

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