With several years of blogging under my belt, one thing I have learned is that nobody blogs the same way. Everyone has different styles, favorite social media platforms, and things they like to share. I’ve realized recently that I want to really get back to my roots and write. I feel better about my posts that are authentically me- I’m a storyteller by nature, and those stories, more often than not, have nothing to do with style or clothes. I’ve been less than inspired by my own blog recently, and I don’t want my lack of outfit posts to stop me from using my little creative outlet.
At a recent panel I went to, the incredibly charming Capital Couple said something that hit me really weird. I paraphrasing but the gist was, “nobody reads full blog posts anymore.” That kind of stung, because I’m so proud of the posts that mean something to me- the long-form essays that tell you guys about me and my life experiences. (This is not to say that Taylor and Ethan aren’t great- it was one to the best panels I’ve been to! I just don’t fully agree with that one point. Like I said, all bloggers are different!)
Moon Journal (Law of Attraction) | Emma Mumford
One of my intentions for this month was to journal or be creative in some way every day. While I’ve put a ton of new products in my Zazzle store, I feel like that hasn’t been enough and I really do want to work at my writing. As the goal really is to one day write a book, I could use the practice and discipline of writing every day. I think one way to do this is to use journaling prompts, even for my blog. After all, writing a book is putting yourself out there so why not start with the audience I already have?
I came across an Instagram account called newmoonjournaling for daily prompts and affirmations. The prompt for April 24th was all about checking in with yourself and how you’re feeling, so here goes:
I feel kind of lousy right now, honestly. With Kendall gone for the better part of two months, my routine is bonkers to non-existent. And to be perfectly honest, I treated myself way too hard on Tuesday to really crap food court Chinese food and it is not agreeing with me. Last night, I had terrible nightmares and frustrating dreams about missing flights, so I did not feel well-rested when I got up this morning. The best I’ve felt in a few days was during an almost-private yoga practice at a new studio, and I want to keep that up. I know I feel the best when I’m in a good routine, active, and eating things my body needs, even if I’m craving a pork dumpling over a salad. So tonight it’s go home, drink my detox tea, and clean and organize the apartment before going to bed at a reasonable hour with NO TV.
Do you ever check in on yourself? I think it’s great to take inventory of what you’re feeling and what you need to do to take care of Y-O-U!
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