Getting older is one of those things that no one likes to think about but that we’re all going to have to deal with at some point. Of course, the old saying that you’re only as old as you feel is totally true, and there’s no reason why you should let your age get in the way of the things in life that you want to do. Then again, that can be a lot harder to do when you feel as though your age is starting to show on your face for the world to see. If your skin is ageing faster than you would like, then you could easily end up looking even older than you are which is something that pretty much everyone would really rather avoid! Of course, it’s important to remember that there are always things that you can do in order to stop that from happening. With that in mind, here are just a few things that you can do in order to keep your skin looking as young and healthy as you feel.
Stay hydrated
One of the biggest problems that many of us have in the modern era is that we simply aren’t staying properly hydrated. This can cause a whole host of different problems including exhaustion and other health issues. But one of the most obvious signs that you’re not properly hydrated is the impact that it can have on your skin. If you’re not drinking enough water, then your skin is going to end up dry and oily as well as ageing prematurely. Now, you might think that you drink plenty throughout the day but remember that there’s a big difference between drinking things like coffee and alcohol, which are serious diuretics, and actually drinking water. Try to drink at least a couple of liters of water every day in order to keep your skin looking smooth and healthy.
Rosehip Seed Oil Facial Renewal Serum
Take care of it
There are so many different skincare products on the market that trying to figure out which one is right for your skin can seem almost impossible. After all, if they all say that they’re going to have some kind of amazing impact on your skin, how can you tell the real deal from the false advertising. Well, one of the very best ways to do that is to check out reviews online. After all, marketing is never going, to be honest, but people who’ve used a product and left a review have no reason to lie. That way you can pretty much guarantee that someone is going to be honest about their impressions of any skincare products. Not only that but it’s a good idea to keep an eye on the list of active ingredients. Things like retinol tend to be a good sign that the product that you’re going to be using will have a genuinely positive impact on your skin.
Also know your allergies. As it turns out, I may be allergic to tea tree oil, which is why the Korean BB cream I was so excited to try destroyed my face. Rose hip oil, like the one above has been good to me, but I have friend who is allergic to that as well. I highly recommend this moisturizer to anyone with skin issues as it fixed my face in days. However, the packaging was annoying so I’ve switched to Brandless’ Daily Facial Moisturizer because it has:
Moisturizing Aloe
No Parabens
No Phthalates
Antioxidizing Safflower Oil
Gluten Free
Dermatologist Tested
Allergy Tested
Suitable For All Skin Types
No Animal Testing
Cruelty Free
Quit smoking
Now, this is only one of the many, many reasons why you should quit smoking. After all, there really is no excuse for being ignoring of just how terrible cigarettes are for you. However, one of the things that people don’t know is how much of an impact smoking can have on your skin. Check out this article on crepey skin to see the kind of impact that cigarettes can have on your complexion. You could end up looking far older than you are as well as losing a great deal of the softness and bounce that you want from your skin when it comes to trying to look your very best.
Get more sleep
Along with not being hydrated enough, one of the most common reasons that a lot of people find that their skin is looking tired is that they themselves are also pretty tired! Modern life can be incredibly busy and stressful, and it’s incredibly common that people find themselves needing to make sacrifices in order to fit everything in. However, all too often people end up sacrificing sleep for the sake of getting as much done as possible. Not only is cutting back on sleep just going to make you feel incredibly tired and irritable, as well as having an impact on your health, it’s also going to leave you will bags under your eyes, loose skin, and premature wrinkles. No matter how busy you are, never let your need for a decent night’s sleep fall by the wayside.
Go makeup free
Makeup is great! Being able to express yourself and look the way that you want is one of the very best things in the world. However, it’s important that you don’t get to a point where you’re dependent on wearing makeup every single day. If you’re wearing makeup every day, then your skin isn’t going to get the chance to breathe, and you’ll end up with clogged pores and damaged skin. Go makeup free for at least a couple of days a week, and the difference to your skin is going to be huge! Not only that but you’ll be able to start learning to avoid relying on makeup to make you feel confident in the way that you look. After all, wearing makeup is great, but not if you feel like you have to just to leave the house.
Of course, there’s no reason why you should spend huge amounts of your time worrying about your skin if you’re not really that concerned. After all, there are plenty of women out there who are more than happy to get older gracefully and have no interest in trying to look any younger than they are. Would anyone ever look at Helen Mirren and tell her that she needed to make an effort to look younger? Of course not! Because she looks amazing and a big part of that is the way that she has willingly embraced her age and refused to try and fight against it because of the kinds of expectations that are placed on her and other women by society. Never let other people tell you how you’re supposed to look at any stage of your life.
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