There comes a point when we look at the signposts of aging, and they are all over our body. The first giveaway tends to be your hair, but they are so many other things but we neglect, until it’s too late. The solution? Making sure that you spot the signs of aging well in advance, but also combine it with a healthy approach to maintaining your looks. What are the features you need to look after to ensure, not just a youthful face, but a youthful body?
Your Neckline
You don’t always consider your neckline to be something that you can change. Yes, you can get a facelift or a neck lift, but there are exercises making the rounds online where you can work these aspects to keep them tighter (there’s one below). Sagging is one of those things that shows up on our jowls, and is a dead giveaway of aging.
Your Teeth
The lifetime of foods and drinks that stain your teeth will show up, not just on the teeth themselves, but on your breath. Our teeth move and shift as we get older, and there are simple solutions, removable aligners to straighten teeth are on the market, so you don’t have to wear unsightly braces anymore. Putting this in during the night time will be a simple method to realign your teeth. Use this in conjunction with white strips to remove yellowing or spotting on your teeth, but also drink a little bit more water, especially after sugary or fizzy drinks, and you will help keep that smile pearly white.
Your Waist
Many people think that a little extra weight around the middle area is okay, but as you get older, gravity begins to take its toll and your muscle tone diminishes. Toning exercises help, such as yoga.
Your Eyelashes
You begin to lose hair on your eyelashes as you age, resulting in short eyelashes, with the hair sparsely placed. This can be remedied very easily, such as eyelash extensions but also products that can help your eyelashes regain there thickness. A product like Latisse is one that is similar to botox, but is a serum you can purchase online.
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Your Fashion Sense
Sometimes it’s just this simple! If you dress for comfort and not style, and you wear minimal color, then it’s going to add many years to your appearance. Simple ways to fix this are to add some more tailored fits, as well as color, but go for more relaxing styles, such as cardigans, blazers or jeans. You don’t have to dress your age if you don’t feel it!
Your Attitude To Stress
This is something we don’t think about much, but if you spend so much time worrying about the impacts of everything on your skin, your hair, and your entire body, then do you think stress has a part to play? Having an unhealthy obsession with your body could be show more stressful problems beneath the surface. If you are prone to stress, this is going to show up on your face as wrinkles and gray hair. Now, it’s not easy enough to say “don’t have a stressful life,” but if you find yourself wired for stress, it’s important for you to address your attitude towards it. If you find yourself getting annoyed or anxious at the drop of a hat, is there something you can do to calm this? Indulge in something that you enjoy on a regular basis, and make sure that you balance your life out.
Your Skin’s Amount Of Sun Exposure
We all like a vacation, and a lot of us live in parts of the world that doesn’t get much sun, meaning the temptation to get on the sunbed is very high. But if you spend prolonged periods on a sunbed, or out in the sun generally, this will have, not just a big impact on your skin, but you are increasing your risk of skin cancer. Even if you spent your life in the sun, it isn’t too late to try and reverse some of the effects. You can hydrate your skin regularly, but you can also bleach the brown spots, or even try LED units to promote collagen production. These are all things that can be done by visiting a dermatologist.
We all want to look young, but the solution is not always in the place that we think it is. Instead of focusing on one particular area, spend time changing various features, and you will see the benefits.
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