One of the hardest things that you will ever learn in life is how to love yourself. There are many life lessons that can be taught as we grow up, and even more so into adulthood, but the day that we truly accept ourselves for what we are, whether good or bad, is monumental; it is something that most people get to the ends of their lives without doing. Sure you can give love to other people and show it in abundance, but it’s Number One that you need to look out for.
Self Love T-Shirt
With that in mind, here are some great ways to get back in touch with yourself…
Make a Date
Spend some time alone. Take yourself for a coffee, or even dinner if you’re feeling brave enough. There is some weird arbitrary notion that these are things that you have to do with people, sort of as a socialisation process; this isn’t the case at all. Keep a date with yourself and sit with your own thoughts; the more time you spend with other people, the more you are aware of what you are doing. Have you ever thought about what the other person is ordering to influence what you are choosing? You may want something huge as you haven’t eaten in ages, but you tried to keep up appearances by picking a smaller dish just because your companion had? It’s not on. Stick by your own decisions and honor them.
Make a Change
If you really aren’t happy with something that’s on your body, take the step to get it sorted out. Whether this is something as simple as the colour of your hair or something that needs a tad more consideration such as implant surgery options, there are ways and means to get around it – especially with such open availability to get any change seen to at a time when is convenient to you. You shouldn’t feel pressured by anybody else to make these changes; don’t let anybody bully you into what you should be doing with your body.
Make a Point
Surround yourself with those who are in the same frame of mind as you. If you are insecure about your weight, get involved with the Body Positive/Fat Community – once you start using the same positive language and take the same stance on life with a plethora of people doing the same things and thinking the same thoughts around you, you won’t feel so alone with loving yourself. There are some great examples of people out there to follow to instigate a loving relationship with yourself; you just have to know where to find them. Danielle Vanier is a really body-confident person to follow on Instagram, and Bethany Rutter is a glorious example of kick-ass positivity on Twitter; but these are just two social platforms to get involved with. Do your own research online on the social media of your choice and using the keywords that interest you or are relatable to you to click in with those who will matter in helping you realize just how much you matter too.
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