The first time I heard Marianas Trench I was in college, in a film class where we had to make a music video. The song was Beside You and the kid who created the music video was kind of a slacker badass (like picture Danny Zuko as a 2000s era tv/ radio major complete with leather jacket) who came up with a story so beautiful I was openly sobbing by the time it was finished. And we were all shocked by the effort he clearly put into this project. When asked for comments on the video, one girl simply said, “Well… Look at Caroline.” The premise was a young couple in love and one of them dies. Unfortunately, I don’t remember all the details and double unfortunately, the video seems to be gone forever. I even tried to get it from the professor who taught the class. Anyway… it was powerful stuff.
I started off Monday with big ugly tears for the same band. I’m tardy to the party on this- the video is over a year old. But the song showed up on my Spotify this weekend and I haven’t been able to stop listening so I figured I’d check out the video.
Big mistake. Kind of.
Yes, I did cry on the bus on the way to work, but I was also grinning from ear to ear. I probably looked like a loon. The whole video is the band spending money from their video budget on causes that mattered to them. Puppies, grandparents, families in crisis, their own families… Woof. It is beautiful.
But it doesn’t take the budget of a music video to make a difference. This year, rather than do a Salvation Army Angel Tree, which is a wonderful cause, my church has decided to do a blessing tree for the holiday season. It’s kind of a pay it forward idea- grab a simple blessing for you to pass someone off a Christmas tree. Pay for someone’s coffee in line behind you, shovel a neighbor’s snowy driveway, send a letter to a teacher who left and impression on you- things we can all do at little or no cost at a time when folks are already spread thin.
It’s also a time when the world needs a little extra love. It’s absolutely deplorable that we’re becoming desensitized to shootings, violence, acts of terrorism both domestic and abroad. Besides that, the holidays can be hard. People find themselves missing their loved ones, or missing something even if they’re not sure what it is, at time when everyone is supposed to be and expected to be joyous. I myself totally fell apart last year on Christmas Eve missing Candace. Even though I have so much, I’m still entitled to be sad. So are you. So is everyone.
Who do you love, and what will you do for them to show them you care at a time when we all need it most?
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