How many of us find ourselves spending a fortune on beauty products? We can just spend and spend as there are always new products to try. But how about some natural ways to take care of our skin and appearance? There is no need to keep spending money on new products when there are things that you can do at home to beauty yourself and keep your beauty regime up. Here are just a few of them for you to try.
Banana Peel Teeth Whitening
Yes, you read that correctly. You can use banana peel to whiten your teeth. How low cost and easy is that, right? I know quite a few people that have tried it before and found that it really worked for them. All you need to do is brush your teeth as you normally would, with a natural toothpaste. You can use the banana peel first and then brush; it doesn’t make much of a difference. Take a piece from the inside of the banana peel (the white part) and gently rub around on your teeth for about 2 minutes. Rinse and repeat each day. If this doesn’t sound like your thing, then you could try some teeth whitening strips. This link gives a low-down on some of them ones on the market at the moment: Just be sure to take a before and after picture if you’re going to try whitening your teeth. It won’t be instant, but after a couple of days, it will make a difference.
33oz Avocado Honey Hair Mask
Avocado Hair Masks
We all know the health benefits that avocados can bring to our bodies. They are full of healthy fats that our body needs to help repair and stay well. So why wouldn’t those work on our hair too? In fact, they do work on hair! So instead of spending a lot of money on conditioning hair treatments, try an avocado hair mask. So basically, after washing your hair, apply mashed avocado to your hair. It works well on the tips of your hair, as well as your scalp. So can help with split ends, as well as dandruff. There are some more about natural hair masks here if you’re interested to try some other ones too.
Oatmeal Face Mask
Oatmeal Face Masks
We all dream of clearer skin, don’t we? So why do we put chemicals and all sorts of lotions and potions on our skin? We could be using something much more natural like oats. If children get chickenpox, then it is recommended that they take a bath with oats in. So oats can help inflammation, as well as itchy or dry skin. So having oats as a base for a face mask is a great idea. The rest is up to you. You could try mashing a banana with the oats, as well as a small amount of milk. You could use oats and yogurt with a little honey that is great for its antibacterial effects. You can use egg whites too, as they can help to tighten skin. There are many options, so just look in your cupboard next time, instead of the store.
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