There is absolutely no way to get around the fact that sh*t is W E I R D right now.
Usually when something catastrophic happens, bloggers take time off, even just a day, to acknowledge what’s going on and that there are more important things to think about than the latest Loft sale or giveaway. But we (everyone, globally) are in a unique position where everything we know has essentially halted, but… not? Life is still marching on, we’re just being creative about how we’re spending our time.
Bloom Where You Are Planted Art Print
I’ve seen a couple of my friends feel guilty about posting as usual. I don’t think that should happen, and here’s why:
Everyone is inside, spending more time connecting via technology than ever before. I love seeing my friends’ cute outfits and how they’re keeping connected while responsibly socially distancing. I find myself sharing more than I have in, probably, years. I’ve always tried to be as authentic as possible as a blogger, and I feel that even more now. Would I normally share that I was working on a thousand piece cat puzzle with my parents for two days? Probably not. But you know what, we’ve had a blast working on it and we’re doing our part to flatten the curve.
The other part of the continuous sharing is that so much is different right now that seeing my blogger friends operate in a business as (sort of) usual is comforting! At least in my circle, I haven’t seen anyone ignoring or making light of the situation at hand, but rather showing how they’re adapting to the new normal. Show away, sweet friends!
My personal favourite bit of sharing right now is updates on what local businesses are offering, ways you can help those having a hard time right now (I’ll have abit of a post on that tomorrow), and, of course, memes. I am nothing if not the goofy friend. Hopefully nobody sees this as insensitive; levity is the word of the moment for me. Please do let me know if this is the case! I’m an extrovert by nature and staying in is certainly challening, so I’m extrovertin’ how I can.
This doesn’t just go for bloggers either. I had grown weary of social media, truly, but right now I am so thankful for it. I want to see what you’re doing! What you’re wearing! What you’re eating! Share as often as you feel comfortable! I, for one, want to keep seeing it!
All this being said, I’d love to hear from YOU! What kind of content would you like to see, since I now have the time to pump it out? I’m going to remain as authentic as possible, and obviously I’ll have limitations, but I’ve always wanted my blog/social media presence to be more of a conversation than me talking at you.
Last but not least, I am HERE if you need someone to talk to. I’m toying with the idea of starting a morning “talk show” on Instagram live. Want to be a guest? Let’s keep making those social distancing connections. I also have an ongoing prayer list in my journal. If you would like to add yourself or a loved on, get at me!
Stay safe everyone. We’ll hug on the other side of this.
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