“‘No Spectators’ is a long-standing saying on Playa. You are encouraged to fully participate. It’s all about being there, being fully present, and not just observing. Two of the ten principles of Burning Man are radical participation and radical inclusivity, meaning that there are no outsiders. Everyone is part of the experience.”
– Nora Atkinson, Lloyd Herman Curator of Craft
A couple weekends ago, Kendall and I finally got over to the Renwick Gallery to see No Spectators: The Art of Burning Man. I had been really excited to check out the exhibit and it seemed fitting after having spent the previous weekend at another (albeit, totally different) festival.
I honestly have zero interest in ever making my way to Burning Man, but the concept has always fascinated me. A festival where creativity blooms and community participation is required sounds almost utopian- if you take away the fact that you’re in the desert. That’s just not for me. I’m a wimp. That’s why it was so cool so see even just a small piece of Burning man brought to a museum that’s just a short Uber ride from our apartment- and free. (We are SO spoiled with the Smithsonian!)
If you haven’t gone yet, you should get on it. Although the official end of the exhibit’s run is January 29, 2019, it starts getting packed up in mid-September. If you can get away with it, try going on *not* a Saturday because it was packed and a little claustrophobic. I almost want to go back and see it again because with so many people I felt rushed.
Kendall snapped some amazing pictures, but it’s impossible to do Burning Man, or ‘No Spectators’, total justice. It’s an interactive experience, which I loved! Windows to peak through, a temple to help build, things to touch, and even walls to write on. I wouldn’t recommend bringing too-little ones though as there’s more hands-off than hands on and it was tempting even for me!
Have you seen ‘No Spectators’ yet? What was your favorite?
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