When we think decor, we usually think of things like colors, patterns and price. It’s a fairly abstract construct and “good” decor is usually defined by the person looking at it. Everyone has different tastes and it’s hard for two people to agree on decor in the same way. If you look at websites such as www.ThisOldHouse.com then you’ll find plenty of decorating tips that can be used for general purposes. However, not all of these are going to be well-received because style is something personal.
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However, there’s nothing more personal about style than using meaningful decor that you have an attachment to. Be it an antique piece of furniture that was handed down to you from your parents or a special souvenir you received while on holiday, here are a couple of things that you can do to your home to give it more meaning.
Save your children’s drawings
Even if your children are using crayons on the walls, don’t wash it off. Unless you absolutely have to clean it, why not take pictures of it or even frame it? Think of it this way; the drawings your children do on your walls are part of their personal expression. It’s their creative outlet. Sure, they could just draw on pads of paper but there’s always something unique and different about the things that your kids draw in your home spontaneously.
They might look like gaudy scribbles to some, but if you point to a drawing on the wall and tell someone “that’s a drawing my 5-year old did after playing in the park” then it takes on an expressive meaning that is different to anything else. Alternatively, if you prefer not to have your children draw on walls then you could take some tips from this article at www.ArtfulParent.com and frame them instead. Remember; the idea is to respect their creative minds even if they’re young and to preserve those meaningful scribbles and drawings for the future.
Be inspired by your decor
Your decor is something personal, so why not be inspired by your own decor to do something? Whether you search for bohemian-style accessories from www.ZenLikeProducts.com or hang up fine-art paintings in your minimalist office, there are plenty of ways to let your decor inspire you to do something.
Inspiration from your decor can come from a number of different sources. You can also find inspiration from catalogs of online furniture stores. Some people find it easier to concentrate with relaxing tranquil colors like white, earthy greens and browns. Other people prefer loud and bright colors that are reminiscent of bohemian designs. In fact, if you’re going to use colors correctly then you need to make good use of color psychology. This informative web page at www.Colour-Affects.co.uk is a great starting point. It shows all the major colors and what type of emotions they evoke.
Meaningful decor is a brilliant way to give your home a completely new feel. If you’re unsure how to progress with your interior design, then consider these tips to create a home that tells a story.
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