Is anyone else feeling horribly off right now? Maybe it’s because the upcoming inauguration is such a point of contention for this country, because Kendall just left for a week for drill, or the winter ickies but I just don’t feel well, you know? Just kind of panicky and unsettled.
I feel very strongly that a healthy mind and healthy body go hand in hand. Corepower Yoga certainly helps me with both, and I know I need to make a more concentrated effort to get my butt to more practices. I read recently an article that addresses a point of yoga that I think a lot of us forget about:
Thing is, yoga isn’t even about exercise. It has almost nothing to do with downward dogs, or headstands, absurd Instagram contortions or $100 yoga mats. Those can be tremendously fun and can even serve as a “gateway drug” to the deeper practices, but they’re still but minor tools, at best. And really, how can you misappropriate something you’re not clear on in the first place?
Ultimately and across most traditions, yoga is about one simple thing: freedom. It’s about total liberation from the ego, from the incessant, gnarled churnings of the mind, its stories and doubts and fears, so the practitioner can finally repose into the true nature of Reality, without illusion.
Which is to say, yoga is the means by which the Self, the world and all its inhabitants are revealed as they truly are: inextricably interconnected, each a unique expression of the same pulsing, vibrating, unified field of divine consciousness. Simple, really.
A few years ago, I was at one of my favorite gift shops and a woman there was selling aromatherapy oils and wanted me to pick out a scent that resonated with me. The scents were supposedly linked to a chakra and guardian angel. Whether or not any of this was BS, the scent that I chose was connected to the root chakra and Angel Uriel. I’ve done some research on both, and honestly, the symptoms of your root chakra being imbalanced are exactly what I’m experiencing: anxiety, fears, and nightmares- and I don’t really have a solid reason why! You can read a bit more about the root chakra here, but there are so many resources available on and offline.
I need little reminders to help me stay balanced, whether it be physical or a scent or even symbolic. Check out my choices for root chakra maintenance and let me know how you stay balanced!
1.Root Chakra Yogi Soap||2.Red Jasper Tumbled Stone||3.Women’s Daisy London ‘Base Chakra’ Cord Bracelet
4.The Habit: Art! Chakra Bands||5.Root Chakra Tea by Buddha Teas||6.Root Chakra Essential Oil Blend
7.‘chakra™ 1′ Balancing Body Mist||8.Carved Marble Incense & Votive Holder
9.Wire Wrapped Red Jasper Point Pendant||10.Root Chakra Patch||11.Cool life fragrance Le quatrieme parfum
12.ROOT CHAKRA Meditation candle||13.Grounding Amulet & Gemstone kit||14.Chakra Key Chain

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