I don’t know what it says about me that one of my sorority sisters said I inspired her to wear cute pajamas. You know I love when my friends ask me for styling help, and Erin wanted pajama sets under $50. Girl you know I gotchoo.
I’m personally a huge fan of pajamas. My freshman year of college, the girls in my hall, every Sunday, would have a pajama brunch. It was really just going to the dining hall in coze clothes. Honestly, it started out as laziness then became one of those silly traditions of friendship.
Last year, Kendall got me LLAMA JAMAS from Old Navy which are my fave, (this year’s version here for $5!!) and my dad got me a flannel set when I was in college with Andy Warhol-ish puppers all over it. Those are my special Christmas pajamas.
I think we underestimate the power of pajamas. Pajamas are almost a signal that ok, it’s time to be cozy and relax. And putting on a set it like putting on an outfit- but for bed. I’m all about ritual and I think getting ready for bed is just as important as getting ready for the day- cup of tea, something cute and cozy, and sign to yourself that you worked hard today and it’s time for rest.
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