I should have seen it coming. Our director came in after the holidays grumbling and sneezing and coughing and generally miserable because his kids got him sick. The poor guy. I’m not really supposed to talk about my company on my blog but I will say this- these guys work hard, long hours and travel constantly, so they can’t really let anything slow them down. So, Big Boss came to work sick for the majority of the week. I even picked him up some chamomile tea because it was so sad to hear him try to talk (and because he requested it for the next grocery delivery- which would have been two weeks away).
But yes I should have seen it coming. Between Big Boss’s cold and the cold I seem to have come down with something/ back down with something because since this cold snap I haven’t felt altogether healthy. Sniffles, sneezes, chills, and a cough that won’t quit. I was face timing with Kendall on Thursday and after like 20 minutes of hacking, he insisted that I make myself a cup of tea.
My mom is a huge tea drinker and my dad drinks several cups of coffee a day, so I grew up with quite the collection of mugs. This is also due, in large part, to my mom being a teacher who’s students knew she loved tea and would gift her mugs. Plus me working at Pier 1 and bringing home clearance mugs that caught my eye. I do NAHT drink out of plain mugs thank you very much. I even keep two at work that are very Caroline and very mine and I dare anyone to use them. I’ve even started selling mugs in my Etsy shop!
I like to see my coffee and tea as a ritual, especially since learning about hygge last year. Something to help me start the day, break up an afternoon, or settle me before bed. Therefore, I think it’s imperative to drink out of something that makes you happy. How do you take your coffee or tea?
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