There’s no getting around it; times are tough, and money is hard to come by. We try to save, but there’s always something stopping us from getting on top of things. Sometimes, these are pressing issues, like breakages, or empty cupboards. Other times, not so pressing problems crop up which still leave us out of pocket. Going out with the girls on a Saturday night isn’t a matter of life or death. But, not going can leave you feeling pretty bad. Besides, you shouldn’t compromise friendships for your savings, right?
Glitter Party Clutch
Only, when you’re trying to keep on top of your finances, a night on the tiles can set you back. Worse, when the drink starts flowing, you won’t always remember to take care over your spending. But, does that mean you shouldn’t go out? Of course, not. It just means that you should consider following these steps if you do.
Pre-drinking is a prerequisite for the young. But, as we get older, we’re more liable to meet our friends in the bar. Then, things get expensive. The markup on alcohol is extreme, and only drinking in clubs on a night out is sure to leave you out of pocket. Instead, it makes sense to invite friends round first, and start the drinking there. You can have fun with this, by creating cocktails using mixers like the tonic found at You could even invest in fun additions, like umbrellas. Even with those extras, this will likely cost less than half the price of a drink in a bar. What better way to start the night off, and set everyone out with their blood pumping and their pockets full? Once you’re feeling merry from those home drinks, you should be able to limit yourself to no more than two or three drinks while you’re out. And, that’s got to be good news for your bank balance.
Eat before you go
Bear in mind that drinking isn’t the only thing you should do before you head out. You should also make sure to eat a decent meal before you embark on the night. We’re all guilty of splashing out on takeaways after a drink. They’re quick and satisfying. They’re also expensive. If you eat before heading out, you won’t feel that urge. Aim for something with substance, like a plate of pasta, or some other carbohydrate. That way, you can be sure even alcohol won’t sneak past your defences and leave you starving for pricey grub.
Wear something you already have
And, let’s not forget the ever-present pressure to wear something new each time you head out. What if someone’s seen you in everything you could potentially wear? To some extent, you should realize that no one’s going to care if you’ve worn that dress before. But, if you’re really worried, you could always head to sites like and find out how to revamp old outfits at little extra cost. That way, you’ll look amazing, and still have money to save.
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