While weddings are always unique in their own way, like all things, they have a tendency to fall prey to trends. There are only so many new ideas, so couples tend to fall into a similar pattern depending on the age they are getting married in.
Wedding mason jar bar sign
For example, in the 1980s, your wedding wasn’t a wedding without bridal sleeves so puffy they almost required helium to stand upright. This was also the time of the crown of flowers for the bride, along with the frosted lipstick and bright eye shadow that the decade inflicted on beauty trends. My mom was married in ’88 and had the flower crown (an idea I’m playing with myself), but certainly not the lipstick and eye shadow. And while her dress was stunning shame on her bridesmaids for rejecting her picks for them and going with that dated sleeve-y look.
In the 1990s, things began to change again. Trends are not necessarily all based around the bride; this was the onset of guests being given disposable cameras on the reception tables and chairs being covered in fabric rather than left bare.
The noughties brought the change in how the bride holds her bouquet; no longer prostrate in front of her, but cradled in her arms – calla lilies were particular favorites. It also saw the change in wedding dress length, with shorter styles becoming more popular.
So what does the current decade hold? There are a few trends that are emerging; especially the use of lace in wedding dresses. Once considered old-fashioned, lace has re-entered the sphere for wedding dresses, perhaps due in no small part to the gown Kate Middleton wore when she married Prince William in 2011. (Note: my mom’s dress was almost identical to Kate’s so who’s the real trend-setter?)
Given all of these considerations, you might find yourself wondering… do I need trends? Your wedding is supposed to be unique, but at the same time, you don’t want to do something so unusual that it stands out for all the wrong reasons. So how do you reconcile these two considerations?
Naked Cake- Fake cake
Only Go With Trends You Genuinely Like
If you find yourself sighing over a trend like laser cut wedding invitations or subtle splashes of pink through the decor, then go with it. Trends become popular because people like them, and if you fall into that category, then why not? So what if your wedding photos may eventually look a little dated – it’s almost impossible to create a true “timeless” wedding, anyway. And make sure to include your groom too. I happen to love the look of a naked cake, a relatively new and trendy style. Kendall does not. We won’t have one. Moving on.
Ignore The Trends You Don’t Like
This might seem obvious, but so many brides fall into a trap of thinking about what they ‘should’ do rather than what they want to do. This is why it’s so useful to have someone to bounce ideas off, be it bespoke wedding planners, your Mom, or even just your bridal party. This kind of feedback will help you decide if you’re making a choice based on your preferences, or if you are being influenced by the idea of being “in with the in crowd”. The only thing worse than having a wedding that might begin to look dated is having one that looks dated… that you never liked in the first place.
Certain trends that I think might be dated come the next generation of weddings: 1) super country looks with burlap and mason jars and 2) making your wedding party look like they’re going to Coachella. But do what you want, girlfrand. It’s your day!
Accept Replication
If you take advantage of current trends out of preference, then try and be reasonable if you see other brides using them. It’s too easy to find yourself offended if you go to another wedding this year and see a feature you used yourself. Just try and remember both you and all other brides are being influenced by the same factors, so it’s not necessarily a case of you being copied if you see the same features appearing! For example, one of my bridesmaids is literally recycling a dress from another wedding for mine. Navy is a great color that works on everyone, and I’m glad I chose a popular color so she doesn’t have to spend the extra money!
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