Just because you are single at this time of the year, it doesn’t mean you have to be miserable when 14th of February rolls round. Here are some ways to ensure you don’t feel blue that you are single this Valentine’s Day.
Eat Pray Love
Watch some anti-romcom films
Of course, when Valentine’s Day is on its way, you will have to face a wealth of rom coms on the TV. And while some of them can be funny, it can also make you feel miserable there isn’t a special someone in your life. Therefore, it’s time to switch off those cringy films and go for a film which is all about independence. For example, you might want to watch How To Be Single which focuses on the fact you need time to be yourself. Or you might even want to watch Eat Pray Love with the amazing Julia Roberts which sees her leaving her husband and discovering the world. Go for a film which leaves you filled with confidence and happiness at the end.
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Have a fun evening in with friends instead
Even if you don’t have a special someone to shower the love to this Valentine’s Day, you can still have a wonderful evening with your mates. After all, you probably will have a better time than a lot of couples out there! Arrange a fun activity that you can do from the comfort of your home. For example, you might want to opt for a fun pamper session where you can all get some relaxation in your life. Or you might even want to do something old-school like looking at horoscopes to see what’s going to happen in your future! Even some baking might be fun to take your mind off the day’s events. Make it a sleepover if you want to have a fabulous night with your beloved friends. And by the time the party has finished with your girls, you will be filled with love for your mates!
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Buy yourself a gift to spread the love
It’s common to buy your loved one a gift for Valentine’s Day. Therefore, you might feel left out when you see the presents your friends got from their other half. But rather than feeling blue, you should buy yourself a present! After all, you are the best person to know exactly what you want. So get yourself something as a treat when it’s time for Valentine’s Day. It might be a new item of clothing or a piece of jewelry you want. And it will definitely leave you with a smile on your face once you have opened it!
And rather than trying to avoid the holiday, the best way to deal with being single on Valentine’s Day is to embrace it. After all, who cares if you are single at this time of the year. Go out to clubs with your mates which will be full of single guys who are looking for love. And go and have a meal with your friends at a restaurant full of couples. It’s much better than hiding at home until the day passes!
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