I am the self-appointed queen of playlists (Formerly known as mix CDs. Formerly known as mix-tapes.) I put so much effort into curating the music I listen to based on mood, memories, and feelings. There are two particular stories that come to mind that are incredibly embarrassing regarding my ridiculous obsession with sharing my feelings through music. Here for your entertainment, I am going to share them. They really weren’t funny at the time, but if you know how freakin’ dramatic I am, you’ll likely find them amusing.
The first was after a cruise my family took for my 16th birthday. One of my oldest friends in the world came with me. At the time, I was straightedge, or sXe for those of you who learned how to code on MySpace. Literally nobody else on the trip was and if you’ve ever been on a cruise you know that they’re basically teens gone wild. I was really annoyed and rather than, you know, tell her, I waited until I got home and MADE HER A BREAKUP CD. AND THEN CALLED HER. TO READ THE SONGS OVER THE PHONE. After a couple hours of crying, we resumed our forever friendship. We were in each other’s weddings. But when I tell you I’m dramatic af…
The second time I used a playlist for evil rather than good was my first semester of college. I was horribly homesick for the first three months, and there was also a weird string of unrelated deaths on my campus. I was fully planning on using my spring break to look at other schools to transfer to before meeting my boyfriend, joining a sorority, and finding my place at Rider. Because I was so homesick, I decided that I was in love with my best guy friend from home and did the logical thing of burning him a CD, printing out the song lyrics, highlighting the especially relevant lyrics, and mailing this whole mess to him at college. Again, thankfully, we are still friends. I was in his wedding. His wife was in mine. He never brings it up, but apparently one of his friends saw the lyrics printout and asked him, “what did you do to this girl!?” The answer is nothing and I’m a basket case. The end.
Socially Distant Dance Party
I’ve decided to use my skills for something more productive and made a playlist of songs to keep you company while we’re socially distancing. It’s very Caroline-lot’s of pop punk with a focus on lyrics. There’s some kind of funny stuff mixed in there. I just hope it makes you smile, reflect, and maybe dance around your house a little bit. I’d love to know what music you’re listening to on lock down! Are you feeling more introspective or are you keeping it upbeat?
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