The older I get, the less I’ve felt like celebrating my birthday- not because I’m mad about getting another year older but more because I’m so blessed I don’t feel like I really need another day to celebrate me. This year, with adding wedding planning to the mix, I was also just kind of tired.
The people who love me don’t ever let that fly, though. I rounded up some of my usual suspects for margs at Mission on my actual birthday because duh, Kendall has a tradition of sending me blue and yellow flowers at work on my birthday, and we met my parents for dinner in Bethsda the day after. But the morning after my birthday… that was the real present.
For quite some time, I’ve wanted to watch the sunrise from the Lincoln Memorial, so the day after my birthday, Kendall and I got up early, made some coffee, and Ubered out there. It was cold, but not miserable
At first, it was just us and some photographers. The came some teenagers, tourists, and even a couple doing their engagement shoot. For about an hour, we admired the stunning colors in the sky. Afterwards we grabbed a heavy, warm breakfast at The Diner and went home to take a nap. It was perfect. And it all happened because he listened to me and knew how much I’d wanted this little date.
I guess I’m trying to make two points here:
1. There is more beauty in this city that is not behind museum walls and fancy restaurants.
2. Dates and birthdays and any other celebration don’t have to be elaborate or expensive. I’ll never forget this birthday because we did something so unusual and sweet.
Take advantage of this gorgeous city and try something new. What’s on your DC bucket list?
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