There are certain things we have autonomy over in our own lives, and the way we look is one of them. Sure, many other people may have an opinion about how we look and the things we do with our bodies. But the truth is, they have no right to judge – only YOU can decide how you want to look and whether it is best for you. After all, fashion and beauty are two great forms of self-expression. Conforming to looking a certain way just because it’s what other people want, may seem like the easiest option at first, but in the long-run, it won’t make you very happy. It is always best to look after number one, and if you want to change your image in a certain way, it’s entirely up to you. Here are a few examples of beauty related decisions you may find yourself at a crossroads with, and why you should nearly always take the plunge and go for it!
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To dye or not to dye?
A huge proportion of people across the globe (both men and women) have dyed hair. Humans have been dyeing their hair for centuries, ever since henna was first discovered, and the market is expanding every single day. Friends and family members may protest against you dyeing your hair, as there is a common public conception that doing so can severely damage your hair. While this can be true for certain dyes, usually, if you know how to care for your dyed hair properly, there is no reason why it will become damaged. Compensate for your dyeing with regular conditioning treatments and only re-dye as and when your hair actually needs it. If you are in any doubt about your ability to safely dye your hair alone, always visit a salon for professional help.
Plastic surgery
Have a body hang-up that you are always self-conscious about can be incredibly draining. You may find that you think about it all the time and that it affects your ability to be confident in social situations – something many people with poor body-image struggle with. It may seem drastic at first, but having a procedure such as a nosejob or liposuction (depending on your own personal issue) could be a positive step towards you feeling and looking more confident. There are obviously going to be some naysayers, but as long as you have a trusted surgeon by your side, there will be nothing to worry about.
Your personal style
Fashion is all to do with taste, and everyone’s tastes differ hugely across the board. You may not like to be seen dead in some of the clothes your friends wear, but expressing this opinion is rude and unnecessary. This is why it can be incredibly irritating when other people have an opinion on your style. The best thing to do is to rise above and keep on rocking your favorite outfits. For every person out there who doesn’t appreciate your fashion sense there are two people who will, so don’t let it get you down!
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