Friday Shirt – Fri-Yay Shirt – Friyay Shirt – Finally Friday Shirt
We made it through our first week here at The CaroLøve and I couldn’t be happier. Thank you all once again for all the sweet words and encouragement. I couldn’t do it without you. <3 I hope you’re all doing something nice this weekend!
T+J Designs is having a 25% off everything sale with the code FF25SHOP- that’s where the flamingo shirt in the picture above is from!
I’ve seriously been going nuts over jelly bags but cannot see myself spending money on something that I probably like because it reminds me of a bag my Barbies used to have. However, here we have one under $15. Oh- and it comes in a ton of colors.
Custom. Keds. Need I say more?
On the Olympics: Who wants to go exploring abandoned Olympic venues with me AND I could totally eat like Gabby Douglas!
Now these girls are real DIVAS. Shout out to my coworker Shannon for being a boss on and off the football field! Back to back champs is pretty amazing.
Going to school in Jersey I got pretty spoiled about my bagels. I need to try ALL of these places.
I would never in a trazillion years (well… maybe a trazillion) spend $800+ on a backpack, but I have to admit it’s making me smile that backpacks are on trend. And if you’re looking for an alternative to those stunners, check out the I’m loving the Charlie backpack from Urban Expressions! [use code CLOVE25 for 25% off the entire site!]
Have a great weekend! Stay cool and hydrated!
Check out what I'm loving right now on Amazon!