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Happy Friday! Here’s hoping for a little bit more snow this weekend. Time to get super-coze and semi-hibernate.
The Maryland native in me is SO EXCITED- the Maryland-themed Free State Atlantic Bar opened this week!
Two of my bests were featured in DC Refined with winter looks to love! Congrats Dani, Rox, and everyone else in the feature!
Another congrats goes out to my favorite artist- Marty of Spaghetti toes was featured on Buzzfeed for his sweet tributes to 2016’s fallen stars.
Did you know that socks are the most requested clothing items by homeless shelters? Check out Bombas and BEE better! They redesigned socks to be sturdier + more comfortable PLUS they donate a pair with every pair purchased!
Speaking of donating, you can do more than just recycle your old boxes! With Give Back Box, you can repack them with items to donate, print out a free shipping label, and even receive a tax receipt by email! How cool it that? And super easy!
DCers are about to come down with some cabin fever, I bet. If you need to get out of the house, check out 15 Hidden Gems In DC + 14 Places Around DC That History Fans Should Put On Their Bucket List.
Have a great weekend and stay warm!
Check out what I'm loving right now on Amazon!

Great read! Thanks for sharing!
It’s snowing like crazy in my country, and I love it! Also those Bombas socks are amazing, adore the idea behind them <3
thanks for your inspirational post. looking forward to hear more from you!